Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission News
From the
Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission
Commission Hosts 49th Annual Dinner
On Thursday, November 29th, the Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission hosted their 49th Annual Dinner. The dinner was attended by Commissioners, Staff, and their families and friends.

The Regional Commission would like to take this opportunity to thank our 11-member governments, various stakeholders and the citizens of the region for their continued support over the years.
2017-18 Annual Report Released
The Regional Commission is pleased to present its 2017-18 Annual Report. Read how the Commission works to improve our region in the areas of economic/community development, rural and urban transportation, the environment and more.
The Report was distributed at the Commission's 49th Annual Dinner held on November 29th, 2018 at the Vinton War Memorial in Vinton, Va..  

Copies of the report are available at the Commission office or can be found online HERE
Regional Commission Working to Update Procedures for Allocating ~$5 million Per Year
The RVTPO Transportation Technical Committee is undergoing a thorough review and update of the procedures surrounding the allocation of approximately $5 million in annual transportation funds. The types of capital improvements the Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds (formerly RSTP) can support are very broad. A subcommittee with representatives from Roanoke County and the Cities of Roanoke and Salem have been leading the update effort. 

In early 2019, the RVTPO Policy Board will approve those procedures which will affect how projects are selected and ultimately funded to improve infrastructure for motorists, transit riders, pedestrians, and bicyclists. The next round of project funding applications will be due in September 2019.

For more information, contact Cristina Finch at
Roanoke River Blueway Committee Provides Updates on Ongoing Projects
Would you like to learn more about the Roanoke River Blueway? The Committee has been traveling to our locality partners to provide updates on our ongoing projects, including information about access improvements, awards, grants, and the brochure! Please contact Amanda McGee at for more information.
RIDE Solutions Encourages Citizens to "Zag All Winter"
As RIDE Solutions’ Zagster bikeshare program enters its second winter, the regional alternative transportation program wants to encourage citizens to keep exploring their bike transportation options through a new Zag All Winter campaign.

“Folks might be surprised to hear that winter is actually a great time to keep up or even start your bike commute,” says RIDE Solutions program director Jeremy Holmes. “That’s why we keep our Zagster bikeshare program available all winter long, to keep this convenient active transportation option open to all our riders, existing and new.”

Because cold-weather riding may be a new experience for many cyclists, RIDE Solutions is incentivizing use of the bikeshare system in two easy ways. First, all current and new members can get immediate access to five free hours of ride time by using the promo code ZagAllWinter18 in the Zagster app.  

In addition, RIDE Solutions will hold weekly prize drawings every Monday. Every Zagster trip taken the previous week earns riders one entry into the drawing. Prizes will include additional free ride time, Zagster and RIDE Solutions swag, and gift certificates to Walkabout Outfitter to help riders suit up with appropriate cold-weather gear. 

“That first blast of cold air can be a bit intimidating,” admits Holmes. “But cold-weather bike commuting is more comfortable than it sounds if planned for, and a great way to keep up a healthy active transportation habit throughout the year. Winter is still a great time to be outside in the Roanoke Valley, and getting around by Zagster bikeshare is a perfect way to enjoy the season.”

For more information, visit:
Ongoing Projects
The Roanoke Valley-Alleghany Regional Commission is always working with localities on projects that benefit the region. Some of these projects are listed below.

  • Craig County Comprehensive Plan Update
  • Alleghany County Wrightsville Neighborhood CDBG Planning Grant
  • Alleghany Highlands Broadband Planning Effort
  • Rural Transit Study
  • Stormwater Assistance
  • Vinton Zoning Assistance
  • Working with Franklin County on "Aging in Place" issues
  • Working with local governments, tourism organizations, and the private sector on a promotional campaign for the Roanoke River Blueway
  • Working with the regional local foods partners to examine "Food Hub" needs in the region

For more information on ongoing projects contact  Tim Pohlad-Thomas   or visit .