Hi, Everyone.

The big news of the week came from our buddies at US Squash who have confirmed S2 Squash as the host for this years Pennsylvania Regional Junior Championships, starting on Nov. 22nd! For those of you who are unfamiliar with the event, it has a proud tradition at the club and offers both strong matches, good points and the unique characteristic of having POINTS OPTIONAL. Fundamentally that last fact, that players don't have to take points, means that there is no S2 player for whom the event isn't pretty perfect. For those who are working on their ranking, the Regionals falls nicely between Gold and Silver points, for highly ranked players, they can play up, or simply not take the points... and it's all at OUR CLUB. It's going to be huge, it's going to be a great weekend and whether you're playing for match play or for points, it's pretty much a guaranteed win/win situation. Entries close 11/6 and you can register HERE!

On the subject of registration deadlines, please pay careful attention for all upcoming events. JCT and Gold entry deadlines are three and a half weeks before the event, with Silvers and Bronzes two and a half weeks before kickoff. Under the new US Squash rules , players signing up for a tournament after the registration deadline will have a much harder time accessing the tournament than before, regardless of the player’s rank. There have been several high profile players (not from S2) who have missed out on that cut off in recent weeks… let’s not make that mistake ourselves S2ozzie crew!

Next weekend we will see the Arlen Specter Philadelphia Junior Championships conducted at Penn and Drexel. We will have all coaches on deck from dawn to dusk and after a S2unning start to the
JCT season in Cincinnati, hopes are high for another big showing on home soil. The venues are exciting, in as much as it will be the first big tournament at the newly remodeled Penn Courts which are awesome and obviously the US Open is beginning at Drexel to add to the festivities. For those S2ozzies who haven't yet communicated with us about coaching at the event please reply directly to this email to confirm and there is a reminder of our S2ozzie Coaching Rules on the blog here . Let's make sure we nail down this last week of preparation!

One of the big days in the S2 calendar is coming up... our visit to the US Open. This year will mark the fifth year that a group of S2ozzies have made the trek to Drexel to view the semi-finals of the US Open, this year the semi finals fall on the 11th of October. We have great memories of both the matches and the camaraderie, so if you can make it, it is totally worth the trip in town! Email Lyall directly and we'll make all bookings on your behalf and look for details closer to the date!

Additionally our Match Play evenings are gaining steam – we had a great turnout this past Wednesday in particular, providing great tournament practice for important upcoming events. As a reminder, match play is complimentary with S2 membership, and is also open to non-S2 players from other clubs for a modest fee per session. Have a friend looking for match play – they are welcome to join! And if you are a S2ozzie that is interested in match play but haven’t found the right date/time for you yet, reply to this email and we will find the right match play crew and level of play for you! 

The past weekend was a busy one in the S2ozzie world, with our first P2P of the season erupting with awesomeness and a bundle of our big dogs up in New York for the Brooklyn Gold! You can catch Coach Lyall's reportage HERE and if you haven't already looked through the website, take a few minutes to enjoy it! The site is our pride and joy, and you can get a great feel for the program in its entirety, it's methodology, history and plans for the future!

Finally, the buzz around the club is just fantastic to see! So many players working hard with big smiles and terrific attitudes is just inspirational! Keep it up folks!

See you at training!

S2 Coaching Team