The Redwood Wellness Center coordinates and provides important health, mental health, reproductive health and substance abuse services and programs for Redwood students. These on-campus services are voluntary, free and confidential for all students. The most utilized service is direct mental health support including short-term therapeutic counseling, crisis support, case management and group therapy as the Wellness Center continues to provide school-wide education and outreach around mental health.
For the past two years, the Redwood Foundation has provided the funding for two Bay Area Community Resources (BACR) Interns and two Wellness Interns which has allowed the Wellness Center to meet the increased demand for mental health support. When students are struggling with issues related to stress, anxiety, depression, peer issues, family challenges or COVID-19, it often impacts their ability to focus in school. By offering mental health services at school, students are able to access the proper care they need to address issues that might otherwise go untreated. We are grateful for our 2021-22 BACR Interns, Daniel Hagan and Megan Jones, and our Wellness Interns, Robert Rogers and Tina Namakian, who together provide approximately 800 additional hours of direct student service visits. Thank you Foundation donors for making these vital services possible!