Rector departing, 'Real Work' begins
Sept. 19, 2015 -- The Ascension Vestry will meet tomorrow to begin sorting out church finances in the wake of Rector David Cobb's resignation one week ago.  
     According to Warden Rod Luery, who will chair the meeting, parishioners will not be permitted to observe.*  
      The Bishop's representative is to attend this meeting, as he did the last. Both Wardens are also to attend -- including Ms. Mintel, who has not quit the Vestry despite two successive attempts by Fr. Cobb's supporters to drive her off.  
* As of press time, Mr. Luery had offered no explanation for the closure of the meeting.  Normally, Vestry meetings are closed only when personnel matters are under discussion.

A report on the Sept. 11 Vestry meeting,
at which Fr. Cobb resigned
his rectorate

1) Warden Luery,** a strong supporter of Fr. Cobb, chaired the meeting.  His first action was to propose that the Vestry "accept the resignation" of Ms. Mintel -- who was absent, and who had not resigned despite a call by Luery and others to do so.***  

** Ascension has two Wardens of equal authority.  Ms. Mintel was elected Warden by a landslide vote of the parish on Jan. 25, ten days after Fr. Cobb dismissed the entire senior staff.  Mr. Luery's term on the Vestry will expire next January.     

*** See the "Special Notice" of Aug. 30, which was both e-mailed to parishioners and posted on the official parish Facebook Page.

2)  After Vestry members refused Mr. Luery's proposal, Fr. Cobb offered to resign, excused himself, and left his supporters to negotiate his severance pay.  A six-figure severance package, described by the Bishop's rep in attendance as "very generous," was approved.  Severance is effective Oct.19.
~ ~ ~
In other news, it was reported outside the Vestry that Fr. Cobb has purchased a home at Sewanee (aka The University of the South, Nashville), where he continues to work on a D.Min. degree, and where his wife obtained employment several months ago. 

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