Thursday, May 28
May Events & Updates No. 3

There was a lot of positive feedback on the information presented at our ZOOM meeting on liability issues for reopening your ECE site. For each of you who requested a copy, and those who missed the meeting, a recording of the 5/27 Joint ECESF/CPAC Workforce meeting with guest speaker Jordan Silverman of DC Insurance Services is available on the event page of our ECESF website ( ) here . We've also posted the contact information Jordan shared at the meeting. I will send additional follow-up information as it becomes available.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please participate in and share the survey for the study being conducted by the Yale Child Study Center. Its focus is on potential exposure and mitigation of exposure to COVID-19 in child care and education settings. This is something our community needs carefully studied for us to operate with best practices—please participate. Survey response is required by  tomorrow, Friday, May 29 .
This newsletter also includes:
  • Workshops:
  • Safety guidance for operating—two FCC workshops still available
  • Financial and budget planning under COVID-19—three for FCC in English (June 2), Spanish (June 3), and Chinese (June 4), and one for centers (June 10)those still open are listed below
  • ECE access to testing and supplies
  • ECE Workforce, Family, and Community Resources
  • Virtual conferences—NAEYC & CA AEYC

In collaboration for a healthy and safe community,

Sara Hicks-Kilday
ECESF Director

ECESF is donating to extend access to our ECE community for funding for sanitization time and supplies for ECE programs. Donate to ECESF to continue our community conversations and funds for sanitization needs.
Survey: Study of possible spread of COVID-19
Your assistance is needed as a provider of child care, and/or in sharing this study with child care providers. Responses are needed by Friday, May 29. See the full message about the study and links to participate here and below. Here are excerpts:
“The survey will be conducted as a confidential survey (12-20 minutes) of child care providers across the nation using a secured online survey platform asking a series of questions about COVID-19 exposure potential and symptoms, as well as different methods of reducing the spread of COVID-19 that providers may or may not have used.

“This is one of the largest workforce epidemiological studies ever attempted. The only way that we can reach the massive number of child care respondents necessary to answer these critical questions is through your help.

“As a measure of thanks, we will randomly select at least 10 people who complete the online confidential survey to win a check for $500. Also, we will invite all of you to participate in a free online webinar where we will discuss the results and answer any questions you may have, including questions regarding the latest science on COVID-19 spread in classroom settings and how best to keep children and staff safe. This free webinar will be hosted by  Child Care Aware of America , where I am board president. We value you as colleagues in this work, and we would learn from your comments and questions.”

Walter S. Gilliam, PhD
Elizabeth Mears & House Jameson Professor of Child Psychiatry & Psychology Director, Edward Zigler Center in Child Development & Social Policy
Yale Child Study Center 

The linked email is in English and Spanish.
Para leer la versión en español de este mensaje desplácese a la segunda página. 
COVID-19 health and safety guidance

There are a few virtual training spaces still available. These sessions review the latest guidance and best practices to care for children safely. Educators that participate in these trainings will be included on the Children's Council referral list and website.

Family Child Care Trainings
Thu, May 28:  Spanish 6:00-7:30 pm (tonight!)
Tue, Jun 2:  English 6:00-7:30 pm
Financial and Budget Planning Webinars

For Family Child Care Operators

LIIF-CCFF is partnering with MEDA and Wu Yee to host a webinar for family child care providers focused on the financial impact of the pandemic. The webinar will be held in three languages at 5pm on three different days:

English-Tuesday, 6/2/20, (full)
Spanish-Wednesday, 6/3/20, register here
Chinese-Thursday, 6/4/20, register here
For center operators
Operational budgets LIIF Webinar, June 10

LIIF conducted a survey among the ECE community in SF to get a sense about what topics related to financial planning would be helpful at this time and looking into the future as well. The upcoming workshop was developed based upon your survey answers.

The Low Income Investment Fund and Community Vision have partnered to develop an online workshop for child development centers to assist you in taking a deep dive into your operational budgets during these unprecedented times. A financial tool has been created specifically for child care providers to use that will help with budgeting now and in in the future.
ECE Access to Testing & Supplies
COVID-10 Testing for ECE  

ECE educators are essential workers. If you are an essential or frontline worker serving the community of San Francisco, you can be tested at any time. You do not need to be experiencing symptoms or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Essential workers include those who leave their homes to do their job and cannot maintain social distance or who interact with the public.

Sign up to get tested  here
More details and locations here
State Funds for Sanitization time and supplies
The California Department of Education/Early Learning & Care Division has sent notice to all Resource & Referrals for Cleaning and Supplies for Childcare Providers (CSCP) and guidance on supports for sanitization.

Excerpt from the notice: Eligible Providers
CSCP funding is available for both licensed and license-exempt center and home-based providers who are non-local educational agencies (e.g. tribal child care, community-based organizations, city or county, or private) and who provide ELC services to families receiving subsidies or private paying families. These entities also include community-based General Child Care (CCTR) and California State Preschool Programs (CSPP). Local education agencies (LEAs) will receive funding through a separate mechanism. Community-based providers that operate through an LEA’s CDE contract will receive funding through the LEA.

Apply for sanitization needs, on the Children’s Council website .

Full notice on supports for sanitization:
ECE supply purchasing privileges
Highlight of the Child Care Law Center's Coronavirus Resources updates—letter for family child care operators:

ECE site operators "are entitled to the same privileges as all other essential workers when you shop. We heard that some providers are having challenging experiences at the store so our beloved attorney, Patti Prunhuber, wrote this letter enlightening store staff that FCC are also essential workers . Please print this and take it with you when you go to a store, or show them on your cell phone. We also suggest you bring a copy of your provider license in case they ask for it."
Buying supplies for a center? Use your license and the paragraph referenced in the letter designating child care providers as part of the essential workforce. Check the Child Care Law Center website for regularly updated Coronavirus Resources targeting family child care—but useful to all child care and education site operators.

Virtual Conferences
NAEYC will offer over 100 presentations of content shared by NAEYC experts and a diverse group of presenters from all sectors of the industry. Our presenters include policy experts, higher education faculty, school leaders, researchers, and educators.

Starting June 1,
Six Weeks of FREE Online Professional Development
The 2020 Annual Conference and Expo is moving to a hybrid event. The hybrid event will include two platforms:
  • virtual experience June 1 - July 10; and
  • on-demand experience from July 1 through August 31.

Mark your calendars. More specific details and instructions about the virtual and on-demand conference experiences are coming in the next few weeks.