There is A LOT of information in this email.
Please read through it carefully!
Please check the Band App for all shoes, tights and accessories needed for each dance.
Combos 1 & 2, don't forget your ribbons for your tap shoes!
Dancers will need to be in full stage makeup and hair for the dress rehearsals and recitals.
Click HERE to view the hair & makeup details for recital.
Dancers in finale (Combos 5-12), please make sure you have your finale t-shirt, black leggings, and shoes (Combo 5, ballet - Combos 6 & 7, jazz - Combos 8 - 11, turners - Combo 12, barefoot).
Both Sunday recitals will be livestreamed. Click HERE for the link.
Please feel free to share this link with any friends, family that are unable to attend in person.
Pre-Recital Announcements
Seniors & Assistant Teachers!
Please meet on the stage 15 minutes before show time to get announced.
Seniors - please be in your prom dresses.
Assistant Teachers - please be in your first costume.
We will NOT do announcements at the Dress Rehearsals, this is Recital ONLY.