Monthly Briefing
Profits | Relationships | Knowledge
June 2023    Volume XVIII, Issue 6
Builder Partnerships is pleased to announce the newest service provider member to our organization:

BombBomb restores the single most important ingredient missing from your digital communication … you. If you win through relationships and referrals, simple webcam and smartphone videos belong in your emails and text messages.
When you and your team do a little more talking and a little less typing, you’ll experience:
  • Clearer communication (save time, reduce back-and-forth, eliminate misunderstanding)
  • Human connection (people feel like they know you before they ever meet you)
  • Higher conversion (getting to “yes” faster and more often)
Sales teams and the sales process. Service teams and the customer experience. Internal communication. Strategic and referral partner outreach. BombBomb will equip, enable, and guide your team to better results by adding a more human touch.

Everything about the Builder Partnerships rebate program is EASY—from fast enrollment, to effortless submissions, to direct deposit payments—the hardest thing is deciding how to spend your earnings.

Watch a short video to learn more.

Don't leave money on the table! Contact us at or 303-972-7666 and start earning today.
“Builder Partnerships rebate program is an exceptional program to be involved in for any builder of any size. The program has proven to be financially beneficial to our company quarter after quarter. There’s an extensive list of manufactures and products available to the members that allow the flexibility to choose the program you want wisely. Builder Partnerships takes it one step further by simplifying the submittal process.” –Brandon Stack, Purchasing & Estimating Manager, Olthof Homes
In the past, basements were considered little more than glorified cellars: dark, damp areas used primarily for storage and utility purposes. However, with today's innovative construction techniques and rising real estate prices, adding a basement to your new build can significantly increase your home equity and provide additional usable living space.

Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) construction pairs well with this concept, and creates safe, energy-efficient spaces perfect for media rooms, family playrooms, exercise rooms, and more. In this article, we will explore the benefits of incorporating a full ICF basement into your new build and how it can lead to a substantial return on investment.

About one in five construction workers is 55 or older. Failing to recruit and retain labor soon could mean a sudden dearth of experienced workers.
Construction’s workforce isn’t getting any younger.

In 2022, the median age of construction and extraction occupations workers was 41.2, and about 45% of construction workers were 45 and older, according to the most recent Bureau of Labor Statistics data available.

That’s due in part to the aging of the overall population — the nationwide median worker age in 2022 was 42.3 — but construction has felt that increase more than other industries, according to BLS.

The causes for the workforce’s age increase are many and so are the trend’s potential detrimental impacts.

Copyright © Industry Dive (or its licensors)

Contact us at or 303-972-7666 for more information.
Partner Notes
Upcoming Events
teacher and students
person typing on laptop

October 5-7, 2023, NEW ORLEANS. Register

October 9-11, 2023, NEW ORLEANS. Register

November 8-10, 2023, DENVER. Register

On-demand training, ONLINE. Register

On-demand training. ONLINE. Register

Miss the live event on June 21? Watch the replay

Miss the live event on June 14? Watch the replay

October 10, 2023, NEW ORLEANS. Register

These events are exclusively for Managing for Profit seminar attendees. Manufacturers and service providers: click here for information on sponsorship opportunities.

For the complete list of events, click here.
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