Monday, January 28, 2019 | La Fonda on the Plaza | Santa Fe
Register for TRENDS and gain access to the Bridging Business & Government Program

When you register for the Hospitality and Tourism TRENDS & Annual Meeting, you also gain access to 2 other great programs hosted by our industry allies.

Start the day with the Business Day in Santa Fe , hosted by the New Mexico Association of Commerce and Industry . During this program you will hear from elected officials and industry thought leaders on what New Mexico's economic stakeholders can expect from the 2019 Legislative Session. This program will take place 7:30 am - 10:00 am at La Fonda on the Plaza.

After ACI's Business Day in Santa Fe has concluded, spend the rest of the day with us for the Hospitality and Tourism TRENDS & Annual Meeting . Hear from experts in hospitality and tourism research as they offer insights and best practices that will put you on the right track for 2019. NMHA will also be hosting its Annual Meeting during lunch where NMHA staff and board members will review 2018 and outline what to expect in 2019. NMHA will also formally install our new Board Chair for 2019, along with new Board Members to fill vacated seats, as voted on by NMHA membership at the Annual Meeting.

Finish the day at the Legislative Reception , hosted by the Santa Fe Chamber of Commerce . Mingle with elected officials and business representatives from all over New Mexico at this reception-style event, and discover how vibrant and engaged the business community is in New Mexico. This event will take place at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center from 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm.
Review the TRENDS Program
Measuring the Economic Impact of Special Events
8:30 am - 10:00 am
Special Events are major economic impact drivers for every tourism-based community in New Mexico. Events bring in outside tourism dollars and provide jobs and entertainment for local residents. The competition for events continues to grow as so many communities add more events. It is critical to understand what is working well and what needs improvement for your local event, but it is also important to understand the impact events have on the local economy. In this session we will explore the indicators of economic impact for events and why these indicators are necessary for demonstrating the value of tourism development in your community.
Topics include:
  • Proper data gathering and survey design
  • The importance of tracking the number of attendees
  • Adequate sample size
  • Interpreting the results for actionable changes
Chris Cordova
Southwest Planning & Marketing
Partner Emeritus
Rachelle Howell
Southwest Planning & Marketing
Managing Partner
TRENDS Registration
(member pricing)
TRENDS Registration
(non-member pricing)
Annual Meeting Only
(members only)

Become a Sponsor
Join New Mexico tourism, hospitality, and businesses leaders along with elected officials for an incredible day of networking, prediction and discovery. Directors, managers and senior leadership from the business community will be in attendance for this 1-day event. Don't miss out on your opportunity to connect with industry leaders and demonstrate that you are committed to the success of the tourism industry!
Thank You Sponsors!
Host Venue
Community Sponsors
The New Mexico Hospitality & Tourism TRENDS & Annual Meeting is the annual marketing and research conference held annually in Santa Fe. In addition to an annual review of the New Mexico Hospitality Association, TRENDS also serves as the annual introduction to the New Mexico Legislative Session with an update on our policy priorities and legislative agenda.

TRENDS will also feature a preview of the latest travel trends and industry predictions from industry experts that will help put your hospitality or tourism business/organization on the right track to succeed in 2019.
Monday, January 28, 2019 | La Fonda on the Plaza | Santa Fe