Pacific Mobility Center, Inc
September 2013 Newsletter
In This Issue
Outdoor Custom Stairlift
Porch Lift
Guardian 911
Excerpt From Last Months Blog
Stairlift coupon
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Hello again from  Pacific Mobility Center! We are working to better serve you and inform you of new and existing products.  It is our goal to provide our highest quality of home healthcare equipment, supplies and services, in a cost-effective manner to all our clients. We are pleased to announce that we now sell and install Bruno custom outdoor stairlifts! Also featured in this newsletter are porchlifts and the Guardian Alert 911! Please Like us on Facebook and Find us on Google+to be entered into a drawing for a gift card! Also, rate us on YelpFind us on Yelp and Angie's List !  Make sure to Visit our website for other products and visit our blog for "how to's", "news and views", and much more! Don't forget to check out our coupon for $200 off a new stairlift!



Thank you,

 From The Pacific Mobility Family

Jeff, Mary Ann, Chris, Brian, Anthony, Phillip, and Luis


Don't compromise your independence, inside or outside your home. Built in Wisconsin and tested in all types of weather, the Outdoor Elite is reliable, safe, durable and designed to withstand the elements. Learn more about it  HERE!





Porch Lifts: 

  porch lift 

An affordable solution to folks and care staff who need assisted access to a porch, deck or upper part of the home. Stay in the home you love! Click

HERE to see more on our website!            


Guardian 911 Alert:
Guardian Alert


Asimple fall or sudden illness can cause tremendous harm for anyone who cannot help themselves in the event of a fall or becomes ill and needs immediate assistance. Guardian Alert 911 is a two-way communication device that does not require any monthly fees, no long-term contract.


Pacific Mobility Center is proud to announce a new feature to our website. We now offer our customers the chance to get a free, online quote on a new stairlift from the comfort of their own home, at any time ... Continue reading...�
What action, if any, do you want your members to take? Add a "Find out more" link to additional information that you may have hosted on your website
          Find me on Yelp
We are on Angie's List and Yelp! If you have purchased a product from us, please rate us on Angie's List and Yelp and let us know how we are doing! Every new review will receive a free gift card!
Bring in this coupon and receive $200 off a 
new stairlift!
*Coupon valid: 9/1/13-9/3/13
*One coupon per customer, coupon must be present at time of purchase, not valid with any other offer.