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Boston Graduate Workers Union


Bargaining Session 13 Summary &

Participate in the SAV!

🎉  On Tuesday, February 27th, BUGWU met BU at the table for our thirteenth bargaining session for a strong contract, and our Strike Authorization Vote is now live 🎉 

Bargaining Summary:

Unit Information: We brought forward another Unit Info proposal as a way of countering their BU FERPA proposal. At the core of our proposal is BUGWU having the ability to represent every worker’s needs. To do this, we need up-to-date information about who is in our union. This proposal ensures that BU provides us with information about who is in our union two weeks before the start of the semester. New hires will also be provided to the union within two weeks of the start each summer or summer term. BU’s FERPA proposal would make that more difficult so we hope that they consider our counter as a useful solution.

We also spent time asking them follow up questions on their Personnel Records counter to our proposal. We believe we are close to an agreement on this article in principle, since BU is required to follow minimal guidelines enshrined in state law - but believe that it should not take the University the entire period of our first contract to come into compliance with their legal obligations.

Finally, we had a frank discussion with BU’s bargaining team on how their counterproposals on compensation and benefits were received. We had over 200 members attending the bargaining session when BU introduced those counterproposals. Together we discussed their offers in a union-only caucus, and we asked ourselves to reflect on their offers – a 3% raise and a benefits article that largely keeps the status quo. None of us could seriously consider them. Since then we have discussed these economic proposals with coworkers who weren’t present and have heard a clear message – we need a contract that creates livable conditions for all graduate workers. Prior to Tuesday's bargaining session, BU had explicitly rejected the idea that graduate workers should be paid enough to live in the city where they work. We made it clear that their response has been inadequate and that we are prepared to fight for a contract that truly transforms our lives for the better.

Our Strike Authorization Vote:

Our SAV is now live!  Learn more information on the SEIU 509 webpage. A strong Strike Authorization Vote with at least a majority of those voting in favor empowers our Bargaining Team to call for a strike. As was discussed in our last General Membership Meeting, the decision to actually begin a strike will be done with deep member engagement and democratic processes.

This is a serious decision we are not taking lightly. After eight months of bargaining with the administration, we have seen a troubling pattern in BU’s counterproposals – they are hardly different from the status quo and do very little to ensure that graduate workers have the supports and benefits to meet their material needs. Moreover, for months they have been committing an unfair labor practice by failing to provide the information we need in order to negotiate effectively. We formed our union to create meaningful improvements on compensation, benefits, international student rights, and more – not to codify current policies into a contract. And we cannot meaningfully bargain without the data we need to understand how different proposals will affect our lives.

Given the weight of this vote, we need everyone’s voice, input, and perspective. Please check out our SAV events that are taking place through this week and next. As always, if you are looking to get engaged and learn more in the meantime, reach out to a union representative or Bargaining Team member.

Image Description: Red and white BUGWU logo with a fist in upper right hand corner and a red and white terrier holding pencil up in the lower right hand corner. Boston University Graduate Workers Union Strike Authorization Vote. As graduate workers, we decide together whether to strike. Make your voice heard: vote any time Feb. 28 to Mar. 11. You will receive an email ballot on February 28th. Strike authorization vote: information and planning sessions. Charles River Campus: A. Eager Beaver Voting and Q&A - RKC 101 (2/28, 9-11am). B. Strike school: What's an SAV? - CAS 522 (2/28, 5-6pm). C. Walk-through training - CAS 211 (2/29, 2-2:30pm). D. Strike committee planning - CAS 313 (3/4, 5-6pm). E. Voting and Q&A - RKC 101 (3/5, 9-11am). F. Strike committee workshop hours - RKC 101 (3/6, 2-7pm). G. Strike school: Preparing to strike - CAS 522 (3/8, 4-5pm). Medical campus: . Voting and Q&A - L 403 (2/29, 1-3pm). I. BUMC strike committee planning - L 403 (3/1, 4:30-6pm). J. BUMC strike committee planning - L 403 (3/4, 1-3pm). K. Voting and Q&A - L 403 (3/6, 12-2pm). A February 25th to 29th and March 1-22nd calendar is shown with each event represented on the corresponding date.  Learn more at is at the bottom of the flyer.

Our New Bargaining Survey

We need your input! As we prepare to decide if we're going on strike or not, we want to get a sense of which parts of our proposed contract articles people are willing to strike to get in the final contract. The bargaining team will not drop articles that few people say they are willing to strike for in this survey; the purpose of this survey is to see what people are already prepared to strike for and what topics we need to do more organizing around if we want people to be willing to strike for them.

We are back at the bargaining table on Tuesday, March 5th 

On Tuesday, March 5th, from 2:30-5:30 PM ET, we’ll be back at the bargaining table for another important bargaining session. If you can attend any portion of the meeting, please do and encourage your colleagues to join! We need your input on how to respond to what BU puts on the table.

How to prepare for the session

Thanks for reading!

= Updates

🎉 = Victory

Do you or someone you know have any interest in helping to create & edit this newsletter? Getting involved is easy, with no commitment level required. Everyone is welcome; we’re happy to have all the help we can get! Just search for the #communications-team channel in the BUGWU slack. (Not on the BUGWU slack? Reach out to any union rep to join!)