October Newsletter
October 11, 2021
Clean Water for Families in Ile-a-Vache
The state water delivery agency DINEPA (Direction Nationale de L’eau) was damaged during the earthquake meaning that companies that treat water don’t have access to their usual supply.

Ensuring access to potable water is critical when it comes to preventing waterborne diseases. We are extremely thankful to Sawyer Products Inc. for their donation of 1,000 water filters for families in Haiti. Now we need your help to reach our goal of 5,000 water filters in order to give more families in the affected zones the chance to access clean water.
Sawyer Products Inc developed small and portable point-of-use water filters. They are a sustainable and long-lasting solution for after-disaster regions.

Soon, 1,000 water filters donated by Sawyer Products Inc will arrive by ship to Ile a Vache and Les Cayes. This is a great step in quality of life and health support that we are able to chieve thanks to this generous donation. 
Sawyer will sell additional filters to FH4H at cost. For only $21 a family in Haiti receives a water bucket with a Sawyer filter and can have clean water for years to come!
Please help us spread the word and consider donating $21 to give the gift of health to a family in Haiti.
Back to School
In October, the new school year will start in Ecole du Village. The roof of classroom that was damaged by tropical storm Elsa has already been repaired and the school facility is ready to receive our 135 students. The school staff and kids are excited to resume classes and see each other again after the difficult summer recess.

The start of this school year will be bittersweet with the absence of Ms. Joline Jolie, our beloved former Principal who passed away during the summer. We will honor her by continuing her loving mission to empower our students.

Mr. Laine, a teacher at Ecole du Village since 2015, will take the lead as the new school principal. “Through education there can be a better society,” he says. His words inspire us all to continue our mission.
Nurse in Ecole du Village
We are proud to announce that this year, Ecole du Village will count with the services of a nurse 3 days per week. Education and health are priorities for our kids to reach their full potential.
The Kay Project is Completed!
The Kay building is finished! It has been painted with bright, cheerful colors to embrace the spirit of the project. A collaboration between Taylor Moxey Foundation and FlyingHigh4Haiti, The Kay will be a safe and stimulating space for the children to learn and create
Art materials donated through our Amazon Smile list have arrived at Ecole du Village. The art teacher has received them and is planning to make wonderful projects with the kids at “The Kay”. We aim to complete the art materials list to fulfill The Kay with art and joy. Thank you for your donations!

Labdoo's donation of 6 IPads have also arrived and will be used as educational tools in the Kay Project! Labdoo collects donated devices, installs educational programs on them, and redistributes them to schools in need. Thank you Labdoo and interactor Eric Vives for this extraordinary gift!
Rebuilding and Repairing
Thanks to the donations to the Earthquake Relief Fund, a house has already been rebuilt and we want to share the joy with the donors! Pierre Bergens, Ecole du Village art teacher, will now be able to find peace and stability in his new house after having seen his home damaged almost two months ago.
Thank you to all of you that made this possible!

The mayor of Ile-a-Vache, Amazan Jean-Yves, has assessed 279 damaged houses in Ile-a-Vache. Ms. Lozano visited some of the families affected and ascertained the precarious situation they are in.
After the eye of hurricane Mathew hit Ile-a-Vache in 2016, Flying High for Haiti funded the repair and rebuilding of 65 houses. The impact on the stability, health, and well-being of those affected families pushes us to help families once again after this tragedy.
We strongly believe in buying supplies locally to help the community boost the local economy and provide work sources. Thank you for your donations to the ERF, we will use part of those funds to buy construction materials locally and distribute them to affected families.
Earthquake Relief
The tents are arriving this week to St. Michele de Charpentier School in Les Cayes! Thank you to the Rotary Club of Key Biscayne, Rotary Club of Brickell, and MAST Academy Interactor Julian Moise for making this possible. The Principal, Sister Roselore, says: "Thank you very much in the name of all the sisters of St. Michele School!"

We are immensely grateful for the donations received. Baby food, diapers, hygiene products, canned food, blankets and clothes donations are arriving this week in Ile-a-Vache.

Thanks to the donors and to the generous companies that opened up collection points, families in Ile a Vache will soon receive these important supplies. Thank you Garland Foods, The Golden Hog and Novecento Key Biscayne for your contributions!
Good news from Presnel
Thanks to the donations received through the Gofundme campaign, Presnel Dieu has finished his chemotherapy treatment in Port au Prince. His general health status has improved dramatically. Now he is ready to travel on Friday to the Dominican Republic to continue his treatment of radiotherapy.

We want to extend a special thanks to Jonas Haeger who helped FH4H find the hospital and a doctor for Presnel’s radiotherapy. Radiation Oncologist Dr. Luis Moreno Sanchez will be treating Presnel in Santo Domingo in the coming weeks at the top of the line hospital Instituto Nacional del Cancer Rosa de Tavares (INCART.) Thank you Dr. Luis Moreno for all your support and giving FH4H the great news that the treatments will be free of charge. Last but not least, we also want to thank our friends Pilar and Mark Silverman for sponsoring lodging and transportation for Presnel and his wife during their stay in Dominican Republic.
ISPA students founded a FH4H club
Flying High 4 Haiti is excited to work together with the International Studies Preparatory Academy students in Miami to help the children of Ile-A-Vache. The club’s first project is underway, and students have started a schools supplies drive. All the donated materials will be sent to Ecole du Village.

Thank you ISPA students for creating this amazing Club!
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