LVTC Happenings!
A monthly report of events and resources for our passionate, growing local multisport community.
Reboot Triathlon 2021: Aquathon
For our third event this year, we held an Aquathon (swim-bike). This event is perfect to hold in the heat of summer … and mother nature sure did deliver! Not only was it 100 F when we started at 6 am, a strong wind from the south blew in …bringing in the smoke from the Arizona fires! Hot, windy, hazy … but our athletes all did great. We were small in number but big in spirit. Check out the results – so great to see people working hard in the event! And we had a couple of first timers … they picked a tough day for their first event!
We have one more triathlon event planned for August 28th – be sure to put that in your calendar! Also, we are going to run a test swim-run event at Lake Las Vegas on August 21st. Stay tuned for details on that event – we may even try to run that as an evening event … something different!
Be sure to check out our Member Spotlights – the purpose of these spotlights is for members to get to know members. You can find all our member spotlights (and some other content) at this youtube link:
Club Membership

Club Memberships Now Available:
  • Single Membership Only $65.00
  • Family Membership Only $85.00
  • Student Membership is $40.00
Please visit our membership page and sign up to take advantage of all the Club Training Events down at Lake Mead and Lake Las Vegas.
Socials/Training Events/Education
8-21-21: Swim Run Lake Las Vegas
Time will be announced closer to event

8-28-21: Club Triathlon at Lake Mead Boulder Beach.
We are so grateful to our wonderful volunteers (Margaret is featured above) that make these events happen. If you would like to volunteer at our next event, please email
Coaches Corner:

It's easy when caught up in new equipment, workout rituals, intensity factors, race logistics, workout partners, workout outfits, and packing that and more into a schedule/ forget a few things. Sometimes a feature as simple as just the GROUND on which we are running!  
Where we pound away the miles running can mold not only our fitness disposition, but our mental disposition. And few places of pounding offer the kind of fulfillment like a TRAIL! 
Oh what the trail can offer us. Oh how it deserves celebration, pondering, and revel from the gratuitous crosser of land. Because oh what GIFTS it bestows besides already carrying us to our joy. Gifts of anatomical preservation, freedom from stressors, and connection with our child selves! 
Joy/Gift #1- Trails hurt less and recruit more. Softer ground protects connective tissue from the hardest of the hard asphalt/concrete pounding. Varied surface levels require more muscle groups for stability facilitating more athletic strength overall.   
Joy/Gift #2- Vacation from pace expectations. Pace doesn’t apply on trail. Only effort. So instead of obsessing about hitting a standard of speed, obsess about maybe the view or something. Or a change in gait and getting out of your usual ‘mold’. Climbing conservatively to a summit then falling down fearlessly toward a base.   
Joy/Gift #3- Feeling like a kid again. Running through woods or open fields. Running for the joy of running, not for the need to achieve a performance standard. Free. Limitless. Always renewing youthful energy and spirit through a means only DIRT knows how to do for us.

~Nancy Jones
Safety Corner

Hydration - Part II - USAT’s Recommendations on Hydration
Last month in the Safety Corner, we discussed what hydration is and simple signs to see if you’re becoming dehydrated. This month, we’re going to take a high-level look into the USAT’s guidelines on how to manage hydration and how to create your own customized hydration strategy.
The best hydration strategy is to CREATE a strategy BEFORE you experience a problem.
When it comes to hydration, where should I start?
Typical Day / Recovery Day- Guidelines state that you divide your body weight in half and drink 1 oz. per pound of body weight. (i.e. If I am 160 lbs, I should drink 80 oz. of water per day). Adjust up or down for activity, altitude, and temperature.
Training/ High-activity Day – Focus on TIMING!
  • Before Exercise – 16 oz. of fluid – 2 hours before workout. Another 6-8 oz. right before exercising.
  • During Exercise – 4-6 oz. of fluid (vigorous exercise). Decrease if less vigorous
  • After Exercise – 16-24 oz. of fluid for every pound lost during exercise. Eat watery and salty foods to help replenish electrolytes.

Once I’ve tried this strategy, how can I make this strategy customized to my own sweat rate?
  • Learn to listen to your body. Don’t forget, YOU know your body best. Your activity level, sweat rate, age, special needs, and environment is different from everyone else.  
  • Conduct a Weight Sweat Test – Find out your base sweat rates by weighing yourself before and after an hour long (or longer) training session. Make sure to track any fluid intake during the workout. After the workout, see how much weight is lost compared to intake.
  • If it’s the same before and after, the amount of fluid you lost equals what you drank. No need for changes.
  • If you lost weight, you did not drink enough fluid and need to increase intake.
  • Complete this test during a run and biking workout, and during multiple times of year if your environment changes. This allows you to customize your hydration plan for each sport and time if year.
Consult a coach or Hydration expert
Try new technologies (such as Gatorade GX)

Hope this week’s Safety Corner is helpful and STAY SAFE tri friends!

Amanda Wolpink

Prez Corner:

The Power of Community: Triathlon is an individual sport that you never do alone.
You do complete the race on your own … no outside assistance allowed. However, there are so many people that help us get to that finish line. Spouses, family, friends, other athletes, the crowd cheering you on, … there are so many people that are part of your training and racing that help you to the start line as well as providing inspiration to find that finish line.
The power of connecting with the endurance community is that you can draw on the energy that is created by supporting each other, sharing achievements, advice, encouraging each other, and sometimes commiserating with each other about a bad training day or race.
I know I always enjoy seeing someone I know on the race course and exchanging encouraging words … it often is a good distraction from working hard to hold pace! Even on those tough races, there is something endearing about ‘suffering together’ that draws everyone closer. I vividly remember a tough patch I was going through on the marathon portion of an Ironman when someone going in the opposite direction grabbed my shoulders, looked me in the eye and said ‘… you can do this …’ … and then he kept going on his race. Those words helped me get to the finish. After the race, we caught up and found that we were both inspired by that moment … he was also suffering but there is something magical when you can look past your own suffering to encourage another athlete.
Part of the fun of racing is sharing stories afterwards … it is fun to hear experiences others went through. Did they stay ‘on plan’? How was nutrition? Anything funny happen? Did you see …? Sharing stories is a great way to absorb more race experience … learning from each other can be a very positive way to become a better multisport athlete.
The power of community also shines when we help each other during training. I’ve always appreciated when someone stops when I’m changing a flat to make sure I have everything. A friendly wave on the bike, or a ‘good morning’ is just a nice way to support the community. Or it can help get us out the door to meet up with a fellow athlete or group for a swim, bike, or run. The community helps us be accountable.
Of course, you can train and race on your own – but by doing that, you miss out on an opportunity to be a better multisport athlete by connecting with others. Share your experience, listen to other’s experiences, support, encourage … and be ready to be supported and encouraged. Inspire others and be inspired by others.
If you are already engaged with groups, great! If not, take the risk and join a swim, bike, or run group … we have a great endurance community and you’ll enjoy being connected with everyone!


~John Mercer
The Las Vegas Triathlon Club Gear Store

We have a limited stock of the Ghost Kits that benefit our Legacy Scholarship Fund. Please visit our store to order online.
Where in the World Has Our TRI Club Raced ?

Check out the map below to see where our athletes have raced!
LVTC Member Spotlight

Get to know our club members as our President sits down with the following members to talk about tris and life.

·      Justin Riele
·      Yoshi Matsumoto
·      Matt Olson
·      Dennis Nelson

The Evidence-Based Triathlete

·      Altitude
·      More on consistency
·      Swim Tips #2

Check our website for Discount Codes 
Login to your account and look for top right account menu "My Membership" as circled below. On your dashboard page in the middle of the page you should see a link "Discount Codes". Click on that for latest discounts for members. These will appear as they come available.

Featured LVTC Sponsors
Fresh Body provides mindfully formulated hygiene products with clean ingredients derived from plant based materials & extracts.

Your financial life is complicated. Whether you are a pre-retiree, a business owner, or a Nevada government worker, you are not immune to the complexities of personal finances. Luckily, Peak Financial Solutions is specialized in helping people like you, better plan for retirement.

XTERRA Wetsuits
Xterra is always hooking up our club! Even though we receive monthly deals/discount code, check out the goods all around!

More amazing LVTC Sponsors
Las Vegas Triathlon Club