This lovely image by Mad Paperie
Here we are, half-way through the longest year in history.

The cautious optimism of late spring has been replaced with summer's tension, rising infection numbers, and resignation that things are going to be different for many months to come. The new normal is that whatever used to be normal isn't any longer and there is no "normal."

But shelter and rest are still fundamental needs and most of us, thankfully, have the ability to do much more than simply meet those needs.

You don't have to settle for mere shelter. With a bit of planning, effort, and, of course, the right realtor, you can

Love Where You Live!
p.p.s. - please share Harmonious Home Adventures with friends and family (everyone deserves to love where they live!). Just hit the "forward" button on your email. They can sign up here:
To Market, To Market We Go

The real estate market remains strong. Prices are up over last year, and sales continue. But there are indications that inventory – the number of houses available for purchase – is tightening a bit.

The housing report from the Greater Fort Worth Association of Realtors, linked above and HERE, shows that the supply of homes (typically measured in months, i.e., months it would take to sell the existing supply) is down over the same period last year – from 2.6 to 2.2.

On top of that, closed sales are up, and active listings are down.
What does that mean?

It means that, if you’ve been thinking about selling your house, now is a good time to get started.

Of course, it also means that finding a new home may be a little more complicated, but that’s where I come in.

You’re fortunate to have a realtor with the vision and persistence and experience to find you the perfect place.

One Reason You Might Want to Sell

A 2020 adaptation that probably is here to stay, at least in varying degrees, is working from home.

For many, it has become the rule. For a significant number more, it will be a far more frequent situation than anyone ever imagined in those long-ago days of yore – you know, like 2019.

And working from home with anything like consistency means that your physical space requirements likely are different than they were.
While setting up the laptop on the coffee table or doing a Zoom meeting cross-legged in bed is fine occasionally, regular work from home requires a dedicated space. At least for the sake of your posture, your productivity, and perhaps your sanity.
It Needn’t Be a Bedroom

Spare bedrooms are readily adaptable to home offices. But that doesn’t mean your designated workspace has to be in a bedroom.

It can be in a second living area. Or the breakfast area. Or even under the stairs.
The point is to look at your prospective new home with a bit of creative imagination. I can help with that!

So, if it’s time to change the background of your adventure, give me a call, and let’s make a plan.

And remember: don’t undertake a lot of repairs in contemplation of selling before we talk.

The things that you would change to make a space more livable may not be the same things you should change to make it more salable.
Selling in COVID Times

At this writing, 141,000 people in the US have died from COVID-19.

Each of those individuals touched the lives of others. Someone mourns them.

The virus is real. It need not keep us from functioning, but it justifies acknowledgment and appropriate safeguards.

If you’re thinking of selling, your home will be easier to show and sell if you can move out before it goes on the market.

If that’s not possible, we can work around it and schedule showings while taking appropriate precautions.

I want you to be safe as much as I want you to
Love Where You Live!  

Debra’s experience in home renovation, staging, styling, and design sets her apart from the crowd in the Fort Worth area real estate market.

  • Creativity to re-imagine existing spaces for broader appeal.
  • Vision to see opportunities where others see problems.
  • Insight to know what buyers are looking for.

Debra doesn't just listen - she empathizes.
She matches buyers to spaces.

Debra doesn’t just sell property - she maximizes potential.
She helps her clients find harmony in their lives.

You can - and should - love where you live!
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