NESA NEWS | Thursday, April 18, 2024

Ready, Set, Play!

By Jenny Canar

Prep the field with a playbook for the spring season's break-ups, breakthroughs and new beginnings in this month's From the Fountain.


It’s April. And nearly May … 

Already? What?


In the final stretch of another school year, navigating the flurry of year-end activities partnered with preparations for future readiness is akin to flipping through the pages of a well-worn playbook. This time of year feels like a magical time warp, with break-ups, breakthroughs, and new beginnings on the horizon (a notion shared in a recent newsletter from Dr. Claudia Gross).

Magical with end-of-year celebrations as we look back and reflect on days past (and breaking-up with past patterns), while taming eager, enthusiastic emotions of future days ahead (with idealistic breakthroughs and the prospects of new beginnings). A time warp because one minute we are stepping back onto campus after Winter Break, and the next minute, it’s the first day back from Spring Break, and the ‘now or never’ mindset finds its way into conversations, planning, and meetings.

Before we know it, we are sitting at graduations, honoring students for achieving their goals, shaking hands with families and colleagues wondering, “How the heck did we get here?” But “get here” we do, unscarred and well-supported, surrounded by caring colleagues, thanks to the ‘plays’ we have on hand. It’s certainly felicitous that end-of-year ceremonies are referenced as “commencements”. The word means ‘beginnings’ after all. 

In this edition of From the Fountain, we invite you to “get here” together with a playbook for break-ups, breakthroughs, and new beginnings to hatch, percolate and flourish, prepping the field for our last weeks as well as for our next school year together 

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From the Fountain

More resources, links of interest, and ideas:

> Speaking of “plays” – we are reminded by Seth Godin that they are only as good as the conditions we have set in place.

> Taking a break at this time of year can sometimes feel like a luxury but breaks are necessary to keep your brain, body, and heart in ‘the game.’ I appreciated reading these "5 Simple Guidelines For Better Breaks" and the reminder that 1) Something beats nothing. 2) Moving beats stationary. 3) Social beats solo. 4) Outside beats inside. and 5) Fully detached beats semi-detached. 

> Two resources to enhance the Jerry McGuire play and to motivate your team are Run Your Business Like A Jungle: Tips For Leaders Looking To Drive Their Company’s Future and How to Get Out of a Rut. For an additional resource for the Let’s Give them Something to Brag About play, read HBR’s "Rid your Organization of Obstacles that Infuriate Everyone".


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PLUS Read all about how the NESA Digital School Project group is thinking about the impact of AI in schools and what tools may help, empowering students and educators to leverage AI for acceleration and personalization.

AI In Education: What You Don't Know (e.g. Everything) »

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