Acts 1:8…

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (NKJV)

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Check Out Your Tri-Rivers Retreat Center HERE

Director of Missions - Rev Richard Ray

Galatians 5:1… “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.”

I pray each of you have a blessed 4th of July. As a Veteran myself who served in the United States Air Force, I am always grateful for those who surrendered to the call to protect and defend our countries freedom. On Sunday, I was blessed to visit a 92-year-old gentleman who also served in the USAF and we both shared military stories and thanked each other for our service to our country. I am thankful for all our veterans including my son in law Dallon McKay who served in the Navy and for those who served and sacrificed their life to protect our freedom and to all the veteran families.  

Even though some are called to serve our country, as believers in Jesus Christ we are all called to surrender our life for the cause of Jesus Christ who surrendered His life so that all those who believe in Him will experience an eternal freedom. 


Your Tri-Rivers Area Office has been working diligently on the Church Insurance issue that churches have shared with us through our Property Insurance Survey. With the approval of the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Board we have created a Church Recovery Fund to assist our churches who are struggling with this property insurance. In this newsletter, we have shared the details on how the Church Recovery Fund will operate. Please see the Newsletter for more information and please complete the Church Property Insurance Survey in this newsletter if your church hasn’t already. 


On Sunday, I was blessed to attend and lead worship and preached at Clairette Baptist Church and Sunday evening I attended the Bible Study at Fairy Baptist Church


This week, we will be in the Area Office serving our area churches while also traveling ministering to our churches in the areas of Evangelism and Outreach, Pastor Search assistance at East Lake Fellowship Church, attending a Latham Springs Encampment Meeting, and on Sunday I am honored to worship and preach at FBC Gustine


Please continue to view this Newsletter for Ministry Opportunities within the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area. 


It is our joy to serve all our area churches in meeting the various needs of the church and its leadership. We are honored to be serving each church as we together serve our Lord in sharing the message of Salvation to each community. Your faithful financial support allows every church to have their ministry needs met so they can be more effective in reaching their community for the Lord. We are all One Church located in over 100 Locations serving and working Together in Ministry and in our Calling to deliver the Message of Christ Love to all.  


Please reach out to us with your ministry needs as we are available to serve you 24/7. We are a “Brotherhood of Churches”.


Rev Richard Ray

Director of Missions


Tri-Rivers Baptist Area is in need of your Assistance as we serve our Area Churches in the Gathering of Information concerning the ongoing struggle with Churches having Reliable and Affordable Property Insurance.  We are asking each Pastor or Church Treasurer/Financial Officer to complete this short

Church Property Insurance Survey.

Thank you, Rev Richard Ray Director of Missions

Click HERE to Complete the Church Property Insurance Survey

Click to watch:

Tri-Rivers Church Recovery Fund

Informational Video


Hello everyone! I hope and pray you had a wonderful 4th of July with your families! I am grateful for everyone that has chosen to serve and protect freedom in this country. Please take a moment to pray for your brothers and sisters in Christ as we fulfill the Great Commission together. It's all about Jesus! (Matthew 28:19-20, Ephesians 4:11-13)

This past Sunday, my wife and I visited and worshiped with FBC Johnson City. Thursday, I spent time celebrating Independence Day with family. Saturday, I met with a minister to discuss community outreach opportunities.

This coming Sunday, I will be preaching at Clairette Baptist Church. Tuesday, I will be attending a WMU Meeting at Fairy Baptist Church. Wednesday, I will be assisting East Lake Fellowship’s Pastor Search Committee as they look for their next pastor. Saturday, my wife and I are hosting Hungry House Worship Night at our home in Gatesville.

 I am available to assist any of our area churches who need a guest preacher, worship leader, or musician, and I am available to give sound, video, and media consultation assistance.

 If you or someone you know is a Musician, Worship Leader, or Local Church Missionary, we encourage you to serve in our area Churches. If you feel led to serve in this area, please contact your Area Office at or 432-202-1526.

I am here to serve you and your church and look forward to meeting you as my wife Josalyne and I travel around the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area.

Talon Keeney

Associate Director, Tri-Rivers Baptist Area

I am Jeff Huckeby, Pastor of Pecan Grove Baptist Church near Gatesville, Texas. On the morning of May 5, 2024, Coryell Creek next to the church came out of its banks and flooded the church with about 5' of water. All of the contents of the church building were destroyed or damaged by the water and mud. The only things that were salvageable were the 100+ year old, handmade pews, some plastic folding tables, and the handmade pulpit built in 1929 for Dr. W.A. Criswell, a Baylor student at that time.

The entire electrical system, two heating and air conditioning systems, and all the kitchen appliances had to be replaced. The total restoration and rebuild costs come to about $150,000. We did have some flood insurance and savings, but we are short about $50,000 needed to repair and restore our historic church.

The church was organized in 1882 and a permanent church building was built at the beginning of the Great Depression in 1929 led by a student preacher at that time, W.A. Criswell, who would later become pastor of FBC Dallas for five decades.

Donate HERE: Pecan Grove Baptist Church Go Fund Me Page

You can also send Donation Support to your Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Office

Memo: Pecan Grove Baptist Church

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area

950 CR 227

Hico, TX 76457

Carlton Baptist Church

Welcomes their New Pastor

John Ward and his Family.

First Baptist Church Hico

Welcomes their New Pastor

Garrett Hager and his Family.

Congratulations to Pastor Brenden Hough of Purmela Baptist Church on his marriage to

Skyla McKay Hough

Complete Church Women's Ministry Survey HERE
Email Donna Trusty (Tri-Rivers Women's/WMU Director) HERE
Go HERE to Learn More
Email Bob Evaul (Tri-Rivers Hispanic Ministry Consultant) HERE
Learn More HERE:  KOZ MISSION STATEMENT To Train Men in Churches to Mentor Boys Using Outdoor Adventure.
Email Tommy HERE for More Information
Learn More/Print Brochure HERE
View Training Video HERE
Take Training Quiz HERE

Free Upright Piano.

Contact Joy Pierson at if interested

School Creek Baptist Church

Would like to donate this beautiful Conference Table (5' wide X 12' long X 33" high) to a church or ministry organization.

Contact School Creek Baptist Church if Interested.


Donate/Apply/Learn More HERE
WMU of Texas | Request Consultation (
Try Sample Curriculum
WMU of Texas | WMU of Texas Group Registration (

WMU Staff and Contact Information

TAMIKO JONES Executive Director-Treasurer (214) 828-5150

BETH CAMPBELL Communications Consultant/ Mary Hill Davis Offering Project Manager (214) 828-5155

BRANDI JONES Marketing Specialist (214) 828-5152

JOYCE PORTO Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Multicultural

(469) 405-1638

CHRIS ROWLEY Christian Women’s & Men’s Job Corps State Consultant (737) 280-8660

MARISOL SANDOVAL Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Preschool, Children, Youth, and Young Adults (214) 828-5158

TERI USSERY Missional Lifestyle Strategist for Adults and Young Adults (214) 828-5374

NAYELY VALLEJO Office Manager/Administrative Assistant

(214) 828-5150

ESTELA ESCOBAR Financial Assistant (214)828-5331

BENNYE BRYANT Sisters Who Care (214)356-3458

VICKIE LEE Ministry Assistant (214) 828-5396

VANESSA LERMA WMU of TX Missionary, Border Ministries

(956) 279-5515

The WMU Office information:

10325 Brockwood Rd., Dallas, Texas 75238

Phone: (214) 828-5150 | Email:


feat. Rev. Richard Ray

Click HERE/Subscribe to theTri-Rivers Baptist Area YouTube Channel
Learn More/Register HERE for Highland Lakes Events
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Has your Church Scheduled a Revival for 2024?

Please let us know by emailing us the following information to 


Name of Church 

Dates of Revival Services

Evangelist Name 

Worship Leaders Name


We will promote all Revival Dates in the Newsletter

CWJC of Highland Lakes - Burnet, TX (Click HERE to Learn More)
CWJC/CMJC of Dublin, TX (Click HERE to Learn More)

Pastors Join Today

This private Facebook group is created for those serving as Pastors only within the Tri-Rivers Baptist Area. This private group is a safe place for Pastors to share prayer concerns, victories and resources with fellow Pastors. On the 10th day of each month, we are asking each pastor to pray for one another.

This Pastors Only Facebook Page was created by

Pastors for Pastors.

We are a Brotherhood of Pastors.

Join Us Today


Church Registration for On-Site Active Shooter Response Class 


Tri-Rivers Baptist Area will offer free Certified On-Site Active Shooter Response Class. Bob Ray III is Texas DPS Certified in Active Shooter Response. He is available through your Tri-Rivers Area Office to educate your church safety/security team and congregation. There is no cost to your church.


Register your church for the Active Shooter Response Class opportunity by calling your Area Office or Register On-line Below

 (254) 865-1299 * 

Register HERE
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Start your training by enrolling in an online class below:

Disaster Relief Orientation

This is where TBM Disaster Relief training begins. All TBM Disaster Relief volunteers must complete this training as well as a background check in order to serve. This class provides the fundamentals for serving in the wake of disasters. Click here to begin.

All participants must have first taken the orientation class.

Food Handling Training

A warm meal warms the soul after a disaster. You can provide that critical meal through TBM feeding teams. Click here to begin.

Fire and Flood Recovery Training

Fires and floods can ruin everything a person owns in a few short hours. Learn how you can deliver help, hope and healing after these disasters. 

Click here to begin.

Box Unit Training

When people lose everything in a disaster, they will begin the painful process of trying to salvage their items. Through TBM box ministry, you can walk alongside them in that process. Click here to begin.

Shower/Laundry Training

After a disaster, a hot shower and clean laundry are an immense blessing. You can provide that through TBM shower/laundry teams. Click here to begin.

Rebuild Training

This course empowers you to rebuild homes after disasters. 

Click here to begin.

Learn More/Start Your Will HERE

To view the list of Bible Studies Available at your Area Office, go to our website or click Here

Read Righteous Roots Latest Newsletter HERE or Request a Speaker

Hello, I'd like to share about our ministry so that congregations will know what we do and where to send those who need our help. We serve Coryell, Hamilton, Bosque, Lampasas, Bell, & McLennan counties.   

I am willing to meet with pastors, elders, mission teams, or congregations. I can do a quick 5 minute spill or I can do an entire testimony. I'd also be willing to share a song or two if needed. I'm completely willing to accommodate whatever the churches needs are.

Melanie R. Webb

Founder/Executive Director

Mission Righteous Roots

904 E Main Street 

Gatesville, TX 76268

(254) 651-3600

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Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Churches


Surrounding Area Churches

Seeking Pastors & Ministry Staff

View Church Profile and Submit Resume


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First Baptist Church of Hamilton, TX,

is seeking a part-time Minister of Music and Worship.

For more information please contact

Peter Elkins ( or

Maria Weaver (

Click HERE to View the Minister of Worship Job Description
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Eastwood Baptist Church

2518 E. Main Street

Gatesville, TX 76528

Seeking Children's Minister

For more information or to send Resume

contact Eastwood Baptist Church


Cross Bearers Baptist Church is in need of a piano player. For more information contact Bro. Fisher


Oakalla Baptist Church is looking for a pianist for their Sunday Services.

They are willing to pay a honorarium.

If you are interested please contact Bro. Clay Cole: or (254) 681-7397

First Baptist Church - Evant is in need of a piano player.

For more information contact Pastor Dane Barron


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Eastwood Baptist Church

2518 E. Main Street

Gatesville, TX 76528

Seeking Youth Minister

For more information or to send Resume

contact Eastwood Baptist Church

Clear Creek Baptist Church

Seeking Part-Time Youth Minister

Contact Pastor Steve Hudson if Interested or for more information at 254-499-8170

Clear Creek Baptist Church

3350 FM 2657

Kempner, TX 76539

Job Description is Below

FBC Gustine 

Looking for a part-time youth minister

Contact Pastor Emmanuel Jimenez for more information


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(Not actual picture)

Selden Baptist Church has a 1960s Hammond Organ available. 

It has a single locking base and full keyboard. 

Contact Milton at 254-386-7966

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area Office

950 CR 227

Hico, TX 76457

Monday: 9:30am-3:30pm

Tuesday:   9:30am-3:30pm

Wednesday:  9:30am-3:30pm

Thursday:     9:30am-3:30pm

Friday: On Call

Sat-Sun: On Call

Contact/Schedule a Visit:

432-202-1526 - Richard Ray, Director of Missions

254-736-0410 - Talon Keeney, Associate Director

Tri-Rivers Baptist Area

950 CR 227, Hico, TX | 432-202-1526