Table of Contents

  1. Message from the CEO
  2. In-person art workshop
  3. In this issue
  4. Research and Innovation
  5. Volunteer spotlight
  6. Upcoming events, programs and workshops
  7. Dates of significance
  8. Community Corner
  9. Grandview Kids Foundation

Message from the CEO

It’s our one-year Gather anniversary!  


When we set out to launch this newsletter, we wanted it to embody our values and our commitment to client- and family-centred care. We wanted Gather to be a place to support, advocate for and celebrate one another. To bring together people and ideas. We hope you’ve felt that in every issue of Gather

Month-over-month, I deeply enjoy reading the features from real Grandview Kids clients and families. The honesty, humour and heart in those blogs amplify the diverse perspectives of the Grandview Kids community – our community. Reading your stories reinforces our purpose as an organization, and underscores the importance of this forum – to connect with those we serve. The Senior Leadership Team and I also appreciate the opportunity to answer your questions or address your concerns. So, please, keep the feedback coming (submit here). 


As we look ahead, we will continue to keep you informed about progress on our new 2024-2027 Strategic Plan: Powering Potential. Powering Potential means inspiring ideas, embracing change, focusing on strengths, cultivating learning, advocating for action, and providing tools and supports to overcome barriers. Through our new Strategic Plan, we will power the potential of our growing team, our valued partners, and the clients and caregivers we proudly serve. 

In our May anniversary issue of Gather, we have included an invitation to inspire artwork at the new headquarters, a new feature about volunteers, multiple client and family profiles, upcoming events and dates of significance, and more ways to get involved with Grandview Kids. Read about the incredible work of those working in our Speech and Language, Audiology and Physiotherapy programs as we acknowledge Speech and Hearing Month and Physiotherapy Month throughout May.


Later this month, the Grandview Kids Foundation also has two signature fundraising events happening: May 8 is McHappy Day and May 30 is the annual golf tournament (more details below). We are grateful to the donors and sponsors who continue to partner with us on these heartwarming, fun events. Perhaps I will see some of you at the drive-through or driving range?

P.S. If you missed any of last year's issues of Gather, they are available to view on our website!


Tom McHugh

CEO, Grandview Kids

Inspire art for our new headquarters! We need your help

Something new is flying into Grandview Kids this Fall. Two Ontario Sculptors, Francis Muscat and Fly Freeman, are creating a suspended artwork for our entrance at our new headquarters. The artwork will include beautiful, fantastical bugs emerging from cocoons and filling the upper spaces of the area (see the artistic rendering below). But, these artists need the help of Grandview Kids’ creative community!

The bugs are going to be works of imagination. The artists want each bug to have a story, to have a purpose – a unique personality and appearance. Help us create the bugs. Help us build their stories. Your ideas will inspire this amazing, lasting piece of artwork in our new headquarters.

There are a few ways Grandview Kids clients and families can get involved.

From home:

  • Draw a bug! Think about what you bug might look like – all the bugs are flying bugs, so your bugs should have wings, and most bugs have 6 legs, 2 eyes, 2 antenna, and a body – but these are just suggestions. Use your imagination. Download the template on our website or pick up a printed copy at any of our Grandview Kids locations.
  • Colour a bug drawing! Drawn by Francis and Fly, but coloured by you. We have some funky designs of butterflies and beetles. All you have to do is supply the colour! Download the templates on our website or pick up a printed copy at any of our Grandview Kids locations.
  • To submit: Take a photo of your finished drawings and email to by May 31, 2024.

In-person workshop:

  • Build your own bug workshop (space limited): A chance to build a small bug and meet the sculptors. We will have all that you need to make your own, unique bug. Also, you can see how the sculptors are going to make the big butterfly and beetle bugs for the new building. Space is limited, so registration is required.
  • Date: Wednesday, May 29
  • Location: Grandview Kids Main Site 600 Townline Rd S, Oshawa
  • Time: 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. – Drop in any time that evening (registration required)
  • All ages welcome, but please register each family member.
Register here!

We can’t wait to see the amazing ideas and innovation of the Grandview Kids community!

May 5: Red Dress Day

Red Dress Day, the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls and Two-Spirit People (MMIWG2S), is observed annually on May 5. People mark the day by hanging red dresses from trees, windows, fences, and balconies. The dresses are visual reminders of the thousands of missing Indigenous people in Canada. Read more about Red Dress Day on the blog.

May 15: Intl. Day of Families

For over a decade, the Family Engagement Team has supported families to be an active part of their child’s therapy and support team. Our lived experience has shown us that our knowledge of our own child is a powerful tool when combined with the professional knowledge of various early childhood development experts. Read more on the blog as we celebrate the International Day of Families.

Speech and Hearing Month

Tips from Team Grandview

Each year, Speech-Language & Audiology Canada dedicates the month of May to raising public awareness about communication health, highlighting the importance of early detection and intervention of communication disorders. In honour of Speech and Hearing Month, we collected a series of speech-related content on our blog, starting with the blog called "Changing questions into comments."

Click here to read the blog and access a complete list of speech content created by Grandview Kids clinicians.

Get involved in research!

Grandview Kids’ Senior Research Associate, Dr. Meghann Lloyd, is leading a research study for children aged 8-10 years with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

This research includes:

  • One in-person motor skill assessment at Ontario Tech University
  • Developmental questionnaires filled out by parents/caregivers
  • Seven-day at-home physical activity assessment using an accelerometer.

To express interest or ask questions, please contact Dr. Meghann Lloyd via email to

Learn how else you can get involved in research at Grandview Kids by visiting our website.

Meet our volunteers!

In a new feature starting this month, we will profile a volunteer from Team Grandview. This group of caring, committed individuals, comprised of students, retirees and working professionals, adds a little sparkle to Grandview Kids through their devotion of time and expertise.

Let’s meet Bronwyn >

Upcoming events, programs and workshops

Family Engagement

IN-PERSON: Caregiver Café

When: Thursday, May 30, 6-8:00 p.m.

Our monthly Caregiver Café provides a warm and welcoming atmosphere for caregivers to relax and enjoy themselves. Light snacks and warm beverages will be available; there's something for everyone to enjoy. Connect with others on a similar journey in a safe space where we can connect with and learn from one another.

Register here >

VIRTUAL: Adolescent Transition Coffee Chat

When: Thursday, April 25, 6-8:00 p.m.

This event is for caregivers to adolescents, aged 15+, with physical, communication or developmental needs. You do not currently need to be receiving Grandview Kids services to join. Connect with other parents and caregivers who are supporting their children with the transition to adult services.

Register here >

Spring Social Enterprise programming

Beyond the Walls: Job Readiness workshop - sign up today!

Beyond the Walls is a program created to encourage independence, wellness, improved mental health, community involvement, joy and resilience in neurodivergent adolescents aged 13 to 19 (who may have Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or similar neurodevelopmental disorders). The focus of this program is to create capacity within the neurodivergent youth population to become more independent and have a safe place to learn how to utilize social strategies in everyday community activities. 

The upcoming Beyond the Walls module will focus on working and job readiness. This module promotes discovering one’s own skills, developing a resume, preparing for an interview and understanding different aspects of job etiquette.

Upcoming session:

  • Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m., from May 16 to June 30
  • Hosted at Grandview Kids Oshawa Main Site, 600 Townline Road South
  • Overseen by Grandview Kids staff, including, Behaviour clinicians and Recreation Therapists
  • Cost $25


Visit My Community Hub to register or find out more information.


Note: These interventions are not therapeutic or clinical in nature. The sessions are intended to support the expected participant outcomes described above.

Dates of significance

Every month, members of Team Grandview’s Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) Committee research and share blog posts about holidays, cultural celebrations, awareness days, and other dates of significance that are meaningful to staff, clients, caregivers, partners and the community.

In May, we acknowledge Mental Health Awareness Month, Neurofibromatosis Awareness Month, Food Allergy Awareness Month, Vision Health Month, National Child and Youth Mental Health Day, GBA (Gender Bias Analysis) Plus Awareness Week, World Lupus Day, Apraxia Awareness Day, International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia, and Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Read more on our blog>

We also acknowledge many holidays and celebrations this month, including Cinco de Mayo, Vesak, Asian Heritage Month and Trinity Sunday. Read more on our blog>

Community Corner: Pickering Public Library

Learn more about program offerings from our community partner, the Pickering Public Library! If you have any questions about the offerings shared below, please contact your local Pickering Public Library branch.

Neurodivergent Storytime

(for children 2 to 6 years old)

Where: Pickering Central Library (1 The Esplanade, Pickering)

When: Thursdays, May 9, 23 and June 6, from 10 to 10:45 a.m.

This storytime takes place in a quiet and safe environment. It includes interactive stories, songs, action-rhymes, fingerplays and sensory activities that promote literacy skills and development. This storytime is ideal for children with sensory processing sensitivities and those on the Autism spectrum.

Neurodivergent Drop-In

Where: George Ashe Library (470 Kingston Rd, Pickering)

When: Second Sunday of each month, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

We invite families with children who identify as neurodivergent to visit the library before regular operating hours.


Children will have the opportunity to socially interact with each other in a safe and welcoming space.

McHappy Day is May 8!

Join Grandview Kids Foundation at participating McDonald's locations in North Oshawa, Whitby and Ajax for McHappy Day! On May 8, every purchase of your favourite McDonald's treats at these locations will directly contribute to supporting Grandview Kids Foundation and Ronald McDonald House charities. Your participation not only satisfies your cravings, but also makes a meaningful difference in the lives of children, youth and families in the Durham Region. If you are interested in volunteering for McHappy Day, click here to sign up!

MTC Factory Warehouse Sale from May 3 to 5

Ten per cent of proceeds from MTC Factory Outlet's warehouse sale on May 3 to 5 will be donated to Grandview Kids Foundation.

The 28th Annual Golf Fore Grandview Kids Charity Golf Classic – register today!

On May 30, join us for a day of laughter, excitement and camaraderie! To learn more about the event, registration or sponsorship opportunities, email our Community Engagement and Donor Relations Officer, Lisa Pargetter!

Click here for event details

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Content in Gather is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor. Views expressed in posts and resources listed do not signify endorsement by Grandview Kids.

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