Reach Out at the 2022 Congreso Conference!
This month, Reach Out hosted a booth at the 2022 Congreso Conference, held at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. Over 1,500 Latino youth and their youth leaders were in attendance. We were able to give away many Spanish materials including books, digital downloads, and subscriptions to the Spanish version of JFYM Online! What a blessing to connect with so many students and their youth leaders! And what an added blessing to have Christina Oleksyuk, Reach Out’s Ukraine Country Leader, in the booth with us, as well!
If you or anyone you know is in need of Spanish Christian resources designed to reach and disciple Gen Z, feel free to share this link to our JFYM training online HERE.
And/or follow this link for FREE downloads of additional Spanish resources HERE.
Finally, we invite you to join with us in praying for all those we served at the conference last week. Pray that the resources students and adults received are used to help them grow as Christ followers and as leaders who are following God’s calling to reach the younger generation with the gospel.

See more pictures of Reach Out at Congreso by clicking picture below.
If you would like to help support our international leaders as they not only train and equip youth leaders, but also plant churches in communities around the world click HERE. You can give a one-time gift or give in an ongoing way. Every.Dollar.Counts. Thank you for your partnership and prayers!

If your church or someone you know would like to participate in a JFYM weekend or one-day strategy training session, click HERE.
(214) 897-2118

Thank you for your commitment to Reach Out!
Jesus is Lord,
Randy Riggins, President
Reach Out Youth Solutions