As we announced in our October Newsletter, Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry Online has officially launched! This online platform will further our goal of equipping and training leaders all around the world to reach the younger generation for Jesus. If you or anyone you know is interested in doing training online, the English version is available now. The Spanish, Russian, and Swahili versions will be available next month. Also, qualified pastors and youth leaders may be able to do the JFYM Online training for FREE when they fill out an application by December 31, 2021! Please share this JFYMO link with whomever you feel may benefit: or you can click HERE.
Reach Out's Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry is expanding to HONDURAS! We are blessed to see God working through our Country Leaders as we welcome Jeff Holloway to the leadership team! Jeff and his family are currently missionaries in Gracias Lempira, Honduras and have started facilitating Forums on behalf of Reach Out. We ask that you pray for him as he goes out to reach the younger generation in that area, and over his family as they are ministering to people in the surrounding villages in Honduras. To find out more about Reach Out's ministry in Honduras, click HERE.

Welcome Jeff Holloway as the newest Country Leader for the Reach Out leadership team!
Jeff and his family greatly appreciate your prayers as he begins this leadership role with us in Honduras! If you or anyone you know is interested in helping to support our efforts to reach teens in Honduras, or, if you know anyone in Honduras that may want to do Jesus-Focused Youth Ministry in-person or online, please contact:
(214) 897-2118

Thank you for your commitment to Reach Out!
Jesus is Lord,