August 17, 2023
Campus-Community Connections
A Publication of ITGA
ITGA News & Announcements
Webinar: The Use of Virtual Training to Address Harms from Off-Campus Parties
August 30
Wednesday, 2:00-3:00pm (EDT)
This webinar, hosted by HECAOD, will explore ITGA's role in the module development, provide a background of the “Craft of Creating a Fun Party” modules and their development process, explore key components intended to train hosts and guests how to reduce harms from high-risk drinking, and discuss the outcomes from its clinical trial. Featured presenters are Dr. Jim Lange, HECAOD and Dr. Molly Downing, HECAOD. To register, click here.
National & International Headlines
Launch of the Off-Campus Housing Quality Initiative
T.J Brecciaroli, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Ball State University, says staff spent more than a year putting together an off-campus housing initiative website.
The Power of Cross-Sector Partnership at College Park
In this debut article, Susan Hartmann, Executive Director, College Park City University Partnership, delves into the transformative power of cross-sector collaboration. 
ID Manchester: University Plots Path for Innovation
ID Manchester comes after a lengthy process of rationalising the University of Manchester’s estate, resulting in 20 acres of prime city-centre land on the former Umist campus becoming available for use.
How Much Students Pay Per Bedroom in College Towns
Overall, the average monthly rent per bedroom in college towns nationwide is $735, the report found. The average renter would need to earn around $30,000 annually to afford rent.
International Town & Gown Association
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