Rapido Newsletter Vol. 178

©2023 Rapido Trains Inc.

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Dear Rapido Customer,

Welcome to the December 2023 newsletter! Check out the contents below, then get ready for some exciting news!

In this 178th issue...

  • The Rapido Mystery Box
  • Rapido Live!
  • Rapido Redbubble Swag Store Launch
  • HO Scale HEP and OCS E-units


  • December 15th, 2023 Order Deadlines
  • January 15th, 2024 Order Deadlines

Also other announcements...

  • Upcoming Shows
  • New Videos
  • Product Updates (make sure to keep reading for N Scale updates!)

If you are using a web-based email service such as Gmail, be sure to click on the link near the bottom of the email that says something like "[Message clipped] View entire message". That will ensure you don't miss any of this newsletter.

Please note that all renders and artwork are subject to change before the final product release.

The Rapido Christmas Mystery Box

The famous Rapido Mystery Box is what everyone's talking about! But now is your last chance to order them before Christmas. So get your orders in NOW! And don't forget to tag us in your unboxing videos and photos. #rapidotrains

Order the Rapido Christmas Mystery Box Now

Rapido Live!

Rapido Live was back this past Wednesday! But don't fear if you missed it; you can catch it here. Watch Bill, Jordan and Jeff chat about our upcoming December order deadlines, many of our recent new product announcements plus a little Q&A as well. Also joining the Rapido team was Tony Cook from Model Railroad News!

Rapido Redbubble Swag Store

Want some Rapido swag? Look no further as the Rapido Redbubble Swag Store has launched with all sorts of iconic designs on shirts, stickers, coasters and other accessories. Hurry now for Redbubble's holiday sale — you'll save up to 40%!


MARCH 15TH, 2023

Orders for these models are very strong, but we know that many of you are waiting to see samples in action. As the decorated samples are not expected for another few weeks, we have decided to extend the order deadline. We want to be able to show you the models in all their glory in YouTube videos and some of the upcoming shows.

To that end, we're extending the deadline to March 15, 2024. Our factory has assured us that we will still be able to deliver these models later in 2024.

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Order the E-units with HEP!

HO Scale F40PHM-2 Locomotive

Time to get your orders in for the Metra F40PHM-2! But before you do, check out the new video above. Jeff, our Product Designer and Metra guru, is finally in a full-length video!

    Click Here to Open Catalog     
Order the F40PHM-2 Locomotive

HO Scale Amtrak NPCU

Calling all orders! The Amtrak NPCU Cab-Baggage leaves the station in just a few days, so make sure you line those orders up and hit send. And, in case you need to hear that Amtrak Cabbage song again... and again... and again... watch the video above.

Click Here to Open Catalog
Order the Amtrak NPCU

HO Scale Budd Gallery Cars with HEP - CB&Q/BN/Metra Versions

It's almost showtime for the Budd Gallery Commuter Cars. The factory that is making these cars is slower than the factory making the E9 locomotives. We can't extend the order deadline for these if we want to see them in 2024. But we have some pre-production samples which can be seen in our latest video, above. Please order your Budd Gallery Cars today!

             Click Here to Open Catalog              
Order the Budd HEP-Equipped Gallery Cars

HO Scale C30-7 Locomotive

In this time of economic uncertainty, we've actually been pleasantly surprised by how strong the orders are for our new HO Scale C30-7. Thank you to everyone who has placed a pre-order already. We genuinely appreciate it!

We can now announce that the HO Scale C30-7 has an order deadline of January 15th, 2024, so you better get your orders in quick. Here's some extra early sample photos we received as a bonus! Next month we'll have a brand new video to show them off. So warm up the order machine and stay tuned!

The decorated CSX C30-7 3D CAD render looks sharp, ditch lights and all!

Wow! This CSX sample just arrived at Jeff's house from the factory. Look at that detail!

Click Here to Open Catalog
Order the C30-7 Locomotive
Rapido NP Day-Nite Coach

HO Scale Northern Pacific "Day-Nite" Coach

The conditional order deadline for the Northern Pacific Day-Night Coaches is just over a month away on January 15th, 2024. This means that nice 5% early bird discount also ends on the 15th.

Guys, the orders for this are low. I mean they are really terrible. We're glad we made this a conditional announcement. If you want to see us make this car, please get your orders in ASAP.

This car can be the gateway to a full-blown Rapido North Coast Limited. But if we can't even get orders for the coach, the NCL is probably not going to happen.

Rapido NP Day-Nite Coach

The NP Day-Nite coach looks amazing, interior and exterior.

Rapido NP Day-Nite Coach
   Click Here to Open Catalog   
Order the NP "Day-Nite" Coach

Upcoming Shows

In early January we'll be at the Prototype Rails RPM at Cocoa Beach, Florida. Grab your flip-flops and join Bill on January 4th through the 6th. Check out the many new samples on display and have your pressing questions answered.

I think Trainland's banner speaks for itself. See you in Long Island!

Later in January, the annual Amherst Railway Society's Railroad Hobby Show will take place on the 27th and the 28th in "sunny" West Springfield, Massachusetts. Pack your hats and scarves when you come on down and see nearly every sample we have in the arsenal, as well as engage in witty repartee with our friendly Project Managers.

Shipping and Arrival Updates

LOTS of new items are arriving soon!

Check out those neat HO Scale Centerbeams. They're just a few weeks away from arriving on your layout!

N Scale Canadian National and Ontario Northland Barrel Ore Hoppers are ready to haul pellets on your layout.

N Scalers, this is your month! The Wide Vision Caboose is the next project to arrive after the Barrel Ore Hopper.

Conrail GP38 long hoods above and Norfolk Southern versions below.

CSX gray ghost noses along with the iconic Baltimore & Ohio Capitol Dome logo below.

Who's ready for N Scale Dash 8-40CMs?

GP9RM hood scheme variations.

GP9RM cabs and the awesome slugs.

Check out the in-production photos of the N Scale Barrel Ore Hoppers. Fascinating how they are built.

The holiday season is here! Look out for our annual Christmas Day newsletter in just a few weeks. Until then, stay off the naughty list; the Big Guy's watching you keenly. 🎅

Bobby Allard

The Tree Expert

Rapido Trains Inc.

USA: PO Box 796, Higganum, CT 06441

Canada: 500 Alden Road, Unit 21, Markham, ON L3R 5H5

Check out our YouTube channel, Facebook page and Instagram!

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