Amista Bennett
Ramblings Of A Mystic
If you have trouble reading this as an email, you can view it on the web at this address:

Happy new week all!

Balance is such an important thing in our lives.

In June 2019 I moved back to Missouri, where I grew up, thinking that I was moving forward with the ideal romantic relationship for me. Things were not as they seemed and that fell apart pretty quickly.

Because of some technical issues with internet in that area I was barely doing any work online at all once I made that move. I was smack dab in the middle of the Bible belt, so when people in person heard about what I did for a living, they told me that they would pray for me more often than they said they had been thinking about getting a reading. The other common reaction was for them to all out try to "save" me on the spot.

I was soooo out of balance. I was not in a place where I felt like I could make much of a difference to anyone, much less to a group of people in my sphere of influence. By the end of 2019 I was having extreme pain in one of my knees. I told myself that I would do reiki on it, but I was so not myself that I almost never made the time to do that. By January or February of 2020, I was noticing that it seemed like one of my legs was noticeably longer than the other one. This was remarkable because that had never been the case before.

In September of 2020 a friend bought me a plane ticket back to Denver and hosted me in her home for 1 week. I had forgotten how good it felt to me to be in Colorado. Before the week was over, I resolved that in 6 months time, I would figure out a way to move back and to live in this state again, no if's and's or but's about it.

Long story short, I made it back to stay, exactly 6 months later. This was accomplished in March of 2021. At that time, my knee was still very painful although, not QUITE as much as it had been. My friend actually took all of my things down the steps as fast as I got them off the truck. If she hadn't have helped me like that, I don't know that I could have done it myself at that point.

Since then I have been finding my way. Becoming gradually much more active again professionally. I began partnering a local metaphysical store to do readings and reiki in person and to do more work online again. I began focusing some time for reiki on the knee in earnest within a few months of getting back to Colorado. After much improvement, I went to my doctor and admitted that I had made it a lot better but I needed a little medical help to get over the final hump. He ordered x-rays which showed that I had a torn meniscus, arthritis in the knee and that my kneecap was not positioned in a straight way on my knee. When the doctor called me with the results, he started off by saying: "You have lot's of reasons to have pain in that knee."

I was fitted with a brace for the knee. When I asked about how much it would help me, the specialist told me that it could help, or it could hurt. That it was taking pressure off of my knee in a place that was catching to much pressure, but it was redistributing that to the other side of me knee, and that part of things might not end up so well. I wore the brace for several hours a day for about 2 weeks. By then, the hurting part of the knee had had a break and felt much better, and I was also starting to notice some discomfort in that other part of my knee. I knew I had gotten all the good that I could out of that brace. It was a relief. For the most part, even to this day, that knee feels pretty good.

Fast forward to the last year to 18 months. I have bought 3 pair of close toed shoes during that time. Each time they have fit my left foot perfectly, but cause unbearable pain in my right foot (the same side as the knee that I had worked on) after only 20 minutes wearing the new shoes. At first I just thought my feet were spreading because I walk around in house shoes almost all day most days. After the third pair, I noticed that it was always the same one foot that had the problem so spreading FEET couldn't be the issue.

I saw a podiatrist earlier this month. She explained to me about step off points and inflammation in that area because for whatever reason, there was to much stress on the step off point of that foot. She suggested I tape my second toe and put some gel at the base of it to get rid of the inflammation that was widening my foot.

It wasn't until the next day, (I have my best thoughts in the morning before I get out of bed,) that I put 2 and 2 together, realizing that that step off point was probably inflamed because one leg had become noticeably longer than the other since 2019 and that would make sense that there would be more pressure on the long leg.

It's not that my leg is really longer, it's just that my hips have been not been aligned with each other all of this time.

I have a friend who does Feldenkrais. And after I had figured out the cause of the problem and knew I wouldn't see my podiatrist again for another two months, I had begun to do reiki about bringing my hips back into balance. One of the things reiki does, is instantly cause a healing of something, especially if it hasn't been going on for a long time already. One of the other interesting things reiki does as well though, is to give us good ideas about what else we can do about the problem we are doing reiki around. And after 2 days of lighting reiki candles for myself with that intention, I woke up with the idea of checking out how helpful Feldenkrais might or might not be in my situation.

I called my friend who does Feldenkrais in Italy and asked her some questions. They basically boiled down to what kind of help could I expect from this practice in my situation. She was very excited about it and recommended that I go to someone around here because she was sure it could help me.

I had my first integrative appointment with Nicki Fauble in Morrison on Wednesday. Yesterday I was able to wear both of my shoes for several hours while only noticing a little sensation, (I wouldn't even call it pain) on that foot. I didn't even come home and put everything down and immediately tear that shoe off of my foot for relief. I had gone out. When I got back, I still wore both of my shoes for another hour or two with no problems.

I don't know if my hip is exactly back where I need it to be or not yet, but I did feel it shift slightly at one point as I was walking on Thursday. I'm very excited about the improvements and highly recommend Nicki Fauble if you think you may be dealing with issues having to do with bones and muscles. If you have questions, she can help you understand what she does better than I can. This is her web-site if you are interested in knowing more:

What I'm noticing is that, the more balance I get into my body, the more balance comes back to my life. This has been a little bit of a winding road for me to get here, (and I have left out some of the twists and turns,) but what I am noticing as I go through this journey, is just how important balance is to us as humans. People say that a lot. I say that a lot. But this experience has brought a knowing on a deeper level for me. I know that If I'm not doing my calling, I can't be balanced. That makes everything in life harder than it needs to be.

I'm not sure if the balance in my body is creating more balance in my life, or if me finding more balance in my life made me able to find the balance in my body again....or at least come close to it so far....I think this is a done deal, it's only a matter of time. Either way, having that balance and flow coming back into my life again feels awesome. I feel more like the old empowered me again. I am looking forward to being able to get out there and start hiking 2 days out of the week again. It's been a long time coming, but I think this spring will be the season.

Thank you guys for being a part of my life story. Thank you for reading as I analyze and learn from m here in these newsletters. You guys are the best clients, the best friends, the best supportive community a girl could ask for in the whole wide world.

Have a great week!

Topic of the Week
Our topic this week indicates the idea of healing something up very quickly and with great energy. For some of us this will be physical, for others emotional, some spiritual and for some financial healing.

We'll understand more about the specifics as we look at each sign.

Remember to check not only your sun sign, but also your rising and your moon sign to get a more full & layered picture. :)

Aries: What we see here for you is the idea that you are bringing healing to some kind of relationship where you are playing the peacemaker in this situation and giving someone else a second chance on something. It looks to me like you are giving them this chance based on some kind of probationary situation in which you are allowing them to show you what they will be doing with this chance.
February 21, 5:30 to 7:00pm




This is a fun and interesting opportunity to explore and practice your own intuitive abilities in a spiritually safe space with other people at all different skill levels. 

After this circle you will have more confidence in your intuitive abilities. 

People who will benefit from this circle are:
~Those who are curious about psychic and mediumship abilities
~Those who don't know if they have any abilities at all but would like to find out. 
~Those who are just discovering their abilites and would like to understand them better
~Those who have used their abilities regularly in the past but have gotten away from it and would like to get back into doing that more consistently
~Those who use their abilities on a regular basis but would like to have the fun and excitement of doing something different with new, like-minded people. 

To register for this event, please call For Heaven's Sake at 303-284-3470.

Location: For Heaven's Sake Metaphysical Store; 2680 Youngfield St.; Lakewood, Co. 80215
Date: January 17th, 2024
Time: 5:30 to 7:00pm
Cost: 35.00
Taurus: It looks to me like what is being healed here is a perspective that you have towards someone who is not doing very well either financially or health-wise. It seems that your perspective is changing to one that welcomes the idea of this person making a major change in their life, whereas before, this idea held no appeal for you at all.
Gemini: What we see here is that the healing has to do with some kind of partnership for you. Romantic partnership, business partnership, strong friendship or otherwise. You have the opportunity showing up to prioritize this in your life again and it looks like you are making putting energy into it a priority again, even though in the past it seemed to leave you depleted or exhausted.
Cancer: What shows up here is that where you may not have known the full truth about something in the past, the healing is coming up with the truth as it rises from beneath the surface. This is going to have you facing some big fears about a person who has been and probably will be giving you some kind of guidance.
Leo: It looks to me like you have been wanting to make some changes or to do some traveling lately but you weren't feeling like you had enough security under your belt to pull that off just yet. This week we see that that situation is resolved and you are on your way.
Virgo: It seems that your perceptions around what is ideal for you is what is being "healed up" this week. Once you have that clarity, we see you walking away from anything that interferes with you living your best life in your fullest integrity possible. That includes especially people who have a track record of letting you down or going back on their words.
Connect with Loved Ones Who Have Crossed Over (Gallery Reading by Amista Bennett)
January 31, 2024, 5:30 to 7:00

If you have been longing to hear from someone who has crossed over, now is the perfect time to attend a gallery reading! This will be a fascinating and fulfilling event!

To register for this event, please call For Heaven's Sake at 303-284-3470.

For Heaven's Sake Metaphysical Center
2680 Youngfield St.
Lakewood, Co. 80215

Libra: It looks like there has been something going on that hasn't been sitting with you well at all but you haven't been sure what you can or what you should do about it. This week we see you realizing a way to make that situation better. It's interesting that for your sign, even after looking at these 3 cards, I'm still not able to nail the area of your life this is happening in. What that tells me is that this will vary for all the Libra's.
Scorpio: What we have showing up here has to do with the idea that we are holding our ground when it comes to our finances. Even in spite of some not so good news about them showing up. We are working on keeping things under control even in the face of some fears that we are working our way through. We may be putting in a ridiculous amount of hours to make sure things work out well in the end.
Sagittarius: It looks to me like you are taking care of business this week. What you are "healing" or realizing is that what you have been doing along with someone else has been less that your standards require. We see you splitting off and taking care of things yourself in a better way that brings much more satisfaction to you than what has been happening previously.
Capricorn: It looks like the healing or the resolution for you comes from the idea that there is someone who would like you to focus more of your time on them, and has been bucking for that. Here we see you holding your ground strongly, in spite of their efforts and balancing everything you need to focus on so as to not let go of anything that is important to you and your life path.
illustration of zodiac sign_ Aquarius.
Happy Birthday Aquarians!

Please accept as my birthday present to celebrate you, a 40% discount towards a live reading as long as you order it from me while the Sun is in Aquarius! (This does not have to be in person to be live, this also counts towards online or phone readings.)
Just let me know when you book the reading that you are having a birthday during the time of Capricorn Sun and that you want the "newsletter birthday discount" and I will be happy to apply that to your total.

(Aquarius Sun runs through February 18.)

Wishing you all the best on your Solar Returns!
Call, text or WhatsApp me to schedule your discounted reading for your birthday season.
Aquarius: What I'm seeing here is that there is probably the healing of some kind of relationship for you. My first card says that in spite of appearances, it isn't really over. After that, we see you moving away from feeling left out and some insecurities around this relationship.
(February 21)
Online Workshop

Billet is a French word for note or letter. To read billets is to take a sealed envelope and read about it’s contents without opening the envelope. Reading Billets is a practice dating back to the 1800’s. 

In this workshop Amista will facilitate as you explore your own psychic abilities in a way that is a lot of fun.

Who is this workshop for? 
1. People who don’t know if they are psychic or not but think it would be nice to know if they are. 
2. People who already know they are psychic or have strong intuition and would like to explore that a little further. 
3. People who are experienced in following their intuitive/psychic abilities and want to exercise their “psychic muscle” in a collaborative way that is safe and lots of fun. 
4. Open minded people looking for something fun and interactive to do that has the possibility of broadening their horizons.  

This workshop is happening on February 21, 2024 at 11:35am Mountain Time, 12:35 Central, 1:35 Eastern, 10:35 Pacific

Registration fee is $20.08

Registration fees are non-refundable. 
Pisces: Where this healing comes into your life is that you have been holding back on expressing your feelings about something or someone. We see you finally not being able to hold those back anymore and it causes a major shake-up. I believe that once all the cards are on the table and the air has cleared though, this puts you in a place to resolve some issues and find ways to move forward more healthily.