Happy Holidays from the members of
Ralston Creek Cohousing!

People Connected, Naturally Powered

Located in the Geos Neighborhood
in Arvada, Colorado

Geos Neighborhood in Arvada, CO, where Ralston Creek Cohousing will build their future community, is also the home of a herd of goats that munch on the weeds in areas of the development that are not under construction. The goats are contained by an electric fence that must be moved every 4 weeks to fresh pasture. Residents of Geos, members of Ralston Creek, and people interested in learning more about both projects got together on a Saturday in November to Move The Goats! Follow this link Move The Goats to watch a short video of the process. The goats live on the larger Geos property and can be visited at any time.

If you want to learn more about the goats and Ralston Creek Cohousing, our next Moving The Goats event will be Saturday, December 21 at 1:00 PM.

After the goats are secure in their new pasture, we invite you to join us for eggnog and coffee. Visit the events page on our website for more information. You will be able to see the site of The Gatehouse, get to know the members of this intentional community, and celebrate the Winter Solstice!
Community Meal
Saturday, December 7, 2019
1:00 to 3:00 PM

Our next community meal is this Saturday at a member's home in central Denver. We invite you to join us, just like we will do when we move into The Gatehouse! No need to bring anything, the members provide the meal.

This event is a great way to get to know each other and see if cohousing is for you!

Please RSVP to Tori at malinche@bakersdozen.biz or
303-704-2168 for location
Ralston Creek Cohousing
Online Video Chat

December 14, 2019

4:00 PM to 5:30 PM MT

Can’t make an in-person event? No problem! Grab your favorite cuppa, get comfy on your couch, and meet with us online. We’ll hold a video conference that you can join through a browser on your computer or even your phone. On the call, we’ll introduce ourselves and show you pictures and details about our community plans at Ralston Creek. You will be able to see and hear everyone on the call and ask questions as they come up for you.

To register for the meeting, send us an email at ralstoncreekcoho@gmail.com and we’ll send you the link you’ll need to attend the meeting. If you’re out of the area, this is Mountain Standard Time.
We have updated our website!

Follow this link ralstoncreekcohousing.org
to view our new web page!
Become an Explorer

Want to know more about cohousing and Ralston Creek? We welcome you to become an Explorer Member. As an Explorer, you will have the opportunity to fully explore Ralston Creek Cohousing, attend business meetings, and get to know (and have a lot of fun) with your future neighbors.

For more information about the membership process, please visit our website Path To Membership
Want to know more? Give us a call or send us an email!
Follow us on Facebook!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get all of our
updates, memos and more!
Ralston Creek Cohousing 303-704-2168

Visit our web site at: www.ralstoncreekcohousing.org