April 2020 Vol. 2

People Connected, Naturally Powered

Located in the Geos Neighborhood
in Arvada, Colorado

Virtual Ice Cream Social

Sunday, April 26, 2020

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM

What do cohousing and ice cream have in common? There are many flavors of people in cohousing and many flavors of ice cream!

Help us celebrate National Cohousing Open House Day with a Virtual Ice Cream Social. Bring your favorite ice cream along with a fun trivia fact about everyone's favorite dessert and meet with the members via Zoom. Learn about the different "flavors" of our members as they share their stories.

RSVP to ralstoncreekcoho@gmail.com and we will send you the link to Zoom.
We have updated our website!

Follow this link ralstoncreekcohousing.org
to view our new web page!
Become an Explorer

Want to know more about cohousing and Ralston Creek? We welcome you to become an Explorer Member. As an Explorer, you will have the opportunity to fully explore Ralston Creek Cohousing, attend business meetings, and get to know (and have a lot of fun) with your future neighbors.

For more information about the membership process, please visit our website Path To Membership
Want to know more? Give us a call or send us an email!
Follow us on Facebook!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get all of our
updates, memos and more!
Ralston Creek Cohousing 303-704-2168

Visit our web site at: www.ralstoncreekcohousing.org