Before you know it, we will see GREEN again!

People Connected, Naturally Powered

Located in the Geos Neighborhood
in Arvada, Colorado

Ralston Creek Trail
in Summer

The holidays have come and gone and we are chomping at the bit to get back to the business of growing our community, hosting events and welcoming spring!

We have had an abundance of interest in Ralston Creek Cohousing, even during the holidays, so if you are considering living in cohousing in Arvada, now is the time to get in touch.

Join now and help us design all the important details of
this amazing community.

See below for ways you can become involved
and get the latest updates!
Online Video Chat

Friday, January 10, 2020

6:00 - 7:30 Mountain Time
Can't make an in-person event? You can get the latest updates on Ralston Creek Cohousing right from the comfort of your own home!

We love talking about cohousing and sharing our vision with all of you. We use Zoom which is very user friendly.

Send us an email at and we will send you the link to participate.
Community Meal

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

6:00 - 8:00 PM

One of the most important aspects of cohousing life is sharing meals together.

Celebrate the New Year with members of Ralston Creek Cohousing at a member's home in the Stapleton neighborhood of Denver, just like we will do when we are living in The Gatehouse.

We will have soup and salad and stimulating conversation. Members provide the meal, you bring your curiosity and questions.

Please RSVP to Debbie at
or 330-714-5008 for location.
Cohousing Association of the US
Launches Simple Series 2020
Ralston Creek Cohousing supports the Cohousing Association of the US and is pleased to promote the Simple Series 2020.
See below for two opportunities to learn more.

Ralston Creek will host an event in coordination with the online conference on February 22.
Stay tuned for details!
Sunday, January 26, 2020
10:00 am - 2:00 pm MT

We’re kicking off our 2020 Simple Series with the very basics. Our Kick Off Event is a four hour online workshop covering what cohousing is and how it works. This is perfect for seekers just beginning to learn about the cohousing way of life.

Click here for more information.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
10:00 am - 4:00 pm MT

An Affordable Conference
On Affordable Cohousing

We believe that cohousing can be the answer to loneliness, isolation and building better communities, but it has always struggled with affordability. The Cohousing Association of the US is presenting an online conference to discuss this issue and try to figure out a way to make living in community accessible to all.

Click here to learn more.

Oakcreek Cohousing
Did you know that there are 165 existing cohousing communities in the US, with 140 now forming?

We thought you would enjoy reading the newsletter of another group to learn more about how an established community lives together.

Click here Oakcreek Cohousing to read their December 2019 newsletter.
We have updated our website!

Follow this link
to view our new web page!
Become an Explorer

Want to know more about cohousing and Ralston Creek? We welcome you to become an Explorer Member. As an Explorer, you will have the opportunity to fully explore Ralston Creek Cohousing, attend business meetings, and get to know (and have a lot of fun) with your future neighbors.

For more information about the membership process, please visit our website Path To Membership
Want to know more? Give us a call or send us an email!
Follow us on Facebook!
Make sure to follow us on Facebook to get all of our
updates, memos and more!
Ralston Creek Cohousing 303-704-2168

Visit our web site at: