Saturday, September 14, 2024

Your flight departs Saturday morning. Here is your flight itinerary.

The forecast looks amazing!

Location: Schenectady County Airport, The start/finish line is located at The Empire State Aerosciences Museum, 250 Rudy Chase Dr, Glenville, NY 12302

Check in will begin at 8:15am

5K start time is 9:00am

Kids 1 mile Fun Run will take place directly after the 5K, approx 9:45am.

We are looking forward to having you run where the planes fly. Please keep in mind the course is located on an active airport, we have closed several runways and taxiways for the race, but there will still be the possibility of air traffic on other runways. Please do NOT leave the course at any time, this is the only area the FAA has approved us to be on. Please be aware of your surroundings at all times.

Course Description:

The course will take you from The Empire State Aerosciences Museum taxiway onto main runway, it will consist of a slight incline over the first third of a mile running to the northern end of the runway. Turning onto the newly resurfaced Taxiway Echo, this taxiway has a slight climb, you will run up a grade change of about thirty feet over an 800 foot stretch ending just before the first mile marker. This is the highest point on the airport, it’s all downhill from here, allowing you to really put on the speed as you run past the Air National Guard base on Taxiway Foxtrot. You will then turn down Taxiway Charlie towards Runway 10/28. You will then turn back onto the main runway, where you get to see the airport from its center and run south back towards Runway 10/28. Then you will turn around and make your way back towards the finish. Don’t forget to take in the size of the runway, the main runway is wider than a six-lane highway! 

Please make sure you are staying to the right side of the center line on the runways and taxiways.

Post Race:

Awards: We will be awarding a first place male and first place female. Both winners will receive a 6 month FREE membership to Best Fitness Courtesy of our Sponsor Best Fitness.

Our friends at The Empire State Aerosciences Museum will have the museum open for a community day after the race for FREE. Please stick around and check out all of the amazing things they have to offer. For more information about E.S.A.M please visit their website www.esam.org

The official course map for Run the Runway along the Schenectady County Airport runway. Boarding begins at the Empire State Aerosciences Museum, and we can’t wait to fly across the finish line with you all this year!

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