We look forward to a return to campus in September. Throughout the pandemic, we have worked closely with various levels of government, provincial health authorities, and our post-secondary partners across BC to prioritize the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. As our knowledge and management of COVID-19 improves and the impact of vaccines in lowering community case counts comes into focus, we are increasingly confident of a return to more normal campus activity. Rejoice.

Full economic and social recovery will be supported by extensive collaboration and engagement with our communities, across all sectors and regions of the province, the country, and the wider world.

Fortunately, our universities have long been deeply embedded in the communities they serve, with a long-standing commitment to cultivating respectful, mutually beneficial relationships with diverse partners. Previous issues of RUN have focused on the integrated and complementary nature of BC’s public post-secondary system, but our engagement reaches far beyond system-wide initiatives and shared services. Formal and informal instances of engagement with community, industry and citizens are too numerous and varied to fully document. The stories below illustrate world-leading collaboration with industry, expansion of program offerings across regions, partnership with institutions beyond our borders, and supporting urgent needs of local community.

Our universities are deeply committed to mobilizing academic and research capacity through ever-deepening relationships with external partners. Partnerships and cooperation enrich the student experience, enhance accountability to our communities, and maximize our collective ability to take on complex societal challenges. We are stronger together.

Be Safe! Stay curious!

Max Blouw, RUCBC President