March 16, 2018
RSVP for the Next Working Group Meeting!
Land Use Working Group
Join Us March 20th
The next working group meeting is Tuesday, March 20th, 6-8:00 PM. We hope you all can make it. If you have friends or neighbors who are interested in joining a working group, encourage them to RSVP and come. All are welcome.

This meeting will build on the work done at the February 7th working group meeting. Working groups will continue identifying neighborhood values and begin summarizing these up so they can be included in neighborhood vision statements. This is an important first step that will help us identify goals, policies and action items of high priority to the neighborhood.

Please RSVP to help us plan!
What to Expect

This next meeting will be neighbor-led, with members of your Community Advisory Committee (CAC) guiding each working group. Many of you said you wanted to participate in multiple working groups. So, at this meeting everyone will have the chance to contribute to at least two different working groups.
Meeting Materials and Prep Work
At the last Working Group meeting participants identified neighborhood values. All the materials that Working Groups used to identify these values are available on the topic area pages of the project website. The values statements working group members identified are also available on these pages.

Take a look at the values statements that your fellow working group members identified and think about common themes among them. This prep work will allow working groups to dive straight into visioning for future.
Reminder: Submit your Photos
We are still asking for photo submissions! Help create the visual portion of the Community Vision . Send us photos of the things you and your neighbors value to our project email ( ).
Important Dates
March Working Group Meeting
Tuesday, Mar. 20, 6-8:00 PM @ North Eugene High School
Working Group members will review and finalize the neighborhood
vision statements

April Working Group Meeting
Monday, April. 23, 6-8:30 PM @ North Eugene High School

Community Event #2
Late May. More details coming soon.
The River Road and Santa Clara Community Organizations, in collaboration with neighbors, businesses, the City of Eugene and Lane County, are creating a vision that will guide decision-making in River Road and Santa Clara for decades to come.