Masthead with words Solutions The Newsletter

August 25, 2024

The last day to Add/Drop a class is THIS Friday, August 30: Make changes via Student Planning (Access Student Planning by visiting and selecting "Self Service.") Contact with questions.

What's this? Solutions: The Newsletter is your newsletter for announcements about Russell Sage College news and events.

You'll receive it every Sunday night during the academic year. Have an event to promote or other news to share? Please send it to

Good to know: Recent issues of Solutions: The Newsletter will also be available on the Solutions webpage and @RussellSageCollege on Instagram.

You don't opt out of Solutions: The Newsletter. You're very demure, very mindful.

It's important that you don't opt out: If you unsubscribe from this newsletter, you unsubscribe from any communications the college sends via Constant Contact. That means you'll be missing important messages about commencement and more. So if you don't want to read it, let us land in your inbox anyway, and just delete our message (it will hurt our feelings, though. Just so you know).

What's New

President Gaby Interview with President Matt

student government president runs into frame followed by college president

New RSC President Matt Shaftel answered questions and swapped alligator stories with Student Government Association President Gaby Gellys during a run across the campuses. Watch the fast-paced interview on YouTube.

Russell Sage College Career and Self Discovery Center logo

Student Employees! Do you still need to complete your paperwork for work-study? 

Stop by the Career and Self-Discovery Center on Monday and Tuesday this week!

Complete your student employment paperwork at the Career and Self-Discovery Center's open hours, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. on Monday, August 26, and Tuesday, August 27, in Education 103 (Troy) and KCC 101 (Albany).

Entrance to eat Cafe and Bites with a large metallic letters on a glossy black tiled wall

From Residence Life and Sodexo: Friday is the Last Day to Change Your Meal Plan!

Welcome back! The Office of Residence Life and Sodexo are writing to remind you that the final day to change your meal plan for the fall 2024 semester is this Friday, August 30. 

View and select a meal plan.

round sticker on business window with words welcome students student discount partner downtown Troy

Discounts for RSC Students at

Businesses in Troy

The Downtown Troy Business Improvement District and local businesses offer student discounts! Bring your RSC ID anywhere you see the Student Incentive Program decal and receive a discount on your purchases.

Find a list of merchants and discounts at

New All College Parking Options in Troy

In case you missed the email last week, here's a parking update for our Troy campus:

We’re excited to welcome you back to our campuses for the fall semester! To accommodate our parking needs on our Troy campus, we’ve added additional All College Parking spaces in the Ackerman Lot (Lot H), as indicated on the Troy campus map. We’ve also created this video for those who may be unfamiliar with how to get to that lot.

We will monitor parking usage this fall and will open the River Street Field if it becomes necessary and the ground stays dry enough. (We don’t want any of our Gators getting stuck in a swamp.) But please wait until we make that decision and tell you that area is open for parking.

Order parking permits: Please be sure to order your parking permit, which is valid on the Troy and Albany campuses, for the 2024-2025 academic year if you haven’t already using our new online parking portal.

For full-time undergraduate students, the parking permit is included as part of your comprehensive student fee, but you still need to order one through the portal. For everyone else, the cost of the parking permit is $50 ($20 for adjunct faculty). Parking permits will be hang tags this year and are filled the same day if an application is submitted during business hours. Just give us an hour to get it ready, and come to College Services prepared with your Sage ID, driver’s license, or other photo identification.

Don’t slack, Jack (and everyone else not named Jack): Public Safety will not ticket cars without permits during the first three weeks of classes to allow time for everyone to get their permits. But why wait?

Recreation and Fitness

bike on sidewalk

Free CDPHP Cycle! membership

Borrow a bike at no charge with the CDPHP Cycle! app and the promo code RussellSage. Enjoy 30 minutes of e-bike riding and unlimited pedal-bike riding every day of the season:

Open Basketball

Robison Gym (Troy campus)

Monday through Friday:

12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. and

7 p.m.-10 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 7 p.m.-10 p.m.

Sign up for open basketball

yellow pickleball on red background

Student-Employee Doubles Pickleball

Week of September 9 through

week of October 21

Games scheduled Monday through Friday on VersaCourt on Albany campus. Open to all students and employees.

Find more info and register for the

pickleball league

Featured Events

Illustrated alligator mascot next to words The Chomp

Looking for something to do?

New events are added to The Chomp every day, so check it often to see what is going on.

Have a club meeting or other event

to promote?

Add it to The Chomp, then email the details to

Dark olive green velvet cushion with the phrase BAD MOM spelled out in colorful flower-shaped letters

Opalka Gallery Reopens September 3

The first exhibition, Painting at Night, features selected international artists who are balancing their practice with caregiving roles.

See the list of events in conjunction with Painting at Night.

Image: I'm not me I'm just mom, by Francena Ottley, 2023, yarn on monks cloth.

Pop-Up Beer Gardens at Opalka Gallery

Three Fridays: September 6, 13, and 20

Opalka Gallery, Albany campus

Browse the schedule of breweries, bands, and food trucks

Black and white close-up of a smiling woman and a laughing baby in a knitted hat

A Healthy Baby Girl: Film and Conversation

Thursday, September 12, 6 p.m. (reception),

7 p.m. (film), Opalka Gallery, Albany 

At 25, filmmaker Judith Helfand was diagnosed with cancer related to medication her mother was prescribed to ensure a healthy pregnancy. A Healthy Baby Girl is the video diary Helfand recorded as she healed, documenting mother-daughter love, family renewal, survival, and political awakening. A conversation with the Peabody Award-winning filmmaker follows the screening. Hosted by the Women's Institute at Russell Sage College. Limited seating. Please RSVP by September 5.


We really do hope to hear from YOU! RSC students do amazing things and your clubs plan amazing events; we want to hear about them! Email with photos, events, achievements, or any other other news you would like us to consider including in the college newsletters.

Have questions?: There are Solutions desks at the front of each library, where you can ask anything. Stop by, call 518-244-2020, or email*

*Unless you have something you would like us to consider for Solutions: The Newsletter! In that case, please email by Wednesday for the following Sunday's newsletter.

Office Hours


Freddie's, Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)

McClellan Student Center, McKinstry Hall (Troy)

Open daily, noon-9 p.m.

Commuter Lounge, Hart Hall (Troy)

7:30 a.m.-9 p.m.


Armory Fitstop (Albany)

McKinstry Fitness Center (Troy)

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Saturday-Sunday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.


Kahl Campus Center, Lower Level (Albany)

Kellas Hall, 1st Floor (Troy)

Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

After-Hours Care


Albany bookstore

41 Union Drive, in the Albany College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences' Gozzo Student Center

Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Friday, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

M.o.s.s. books and other provisions (NEW LOCATION! Gurley Hall, Troy)

Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.

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