RPA Weekly Recap | March 27, 2023


This Wednesday, March 29th, Arkansas Secretary of Education Jacob Oliva will participate in an online town hall focused on the recently-signed-into-law Arkansas LEARNS Act. There appears to be some level of misinformation spreading about the plan that will be addressed head on by the Secretary of Education. LEARNS is the boldest educational reform in the nation and puts students' needs and parents' concerns at the forefront of education policy. Make sure to join to learn more about this historic piece of legislation, and click the picture above to register today!

This past week representatives from the RPA spoke with the Washington County, Ouachita County, and Jefferson County Republican Committees. RPA Chairman Cody Hiland, pictured above in Springdale, talked about the conservative legislative wins this general session and the path forward as a unified party.


  • Parents have a right to make decisions for their children. Unfortunately, far too many school districts have been ignoring the wishes of parents while special interest groups try to undermine free speech. Luckily for Americans, this past week, the House Republican majority passed the Parents' Bill of Rights. 
  • This past week's vote affirmed that: 
  • Parents have the right to know what their children are being taught; 
  • Parents have the right to be heard; 
  • Parents have the right to see the school budget and spending; 
  • Parents have the right to protect their child's privacy; 
  • Parents have the right to keep their children safe. 
  • The passage of the Parents' Bill of Rights is a win for every father, every mother, and every student in America. 
  • No Democrat voted for the bill, once again proving Democrats are too extreme to believe that parents should have a say in their kids' education. 
  • Democrats would rather target parents instead of partnering with parents.

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Tweet of the Week

Today, on World Down Syndrome Day, we celebrate the unique talents and abilities that every individual with Down Syndrome brings to the world. It was great to welcome @ARDownSyndrome to the Capitol to join me in recognizing this day!


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