Help us make a difference in our community.
Tony Bifano '96
Founder Blue White Rising


Blue White Rising is an innovative new grass-roots community organization I founded to create a positive way for our Penn State community to both celebrate and proudly share with the world whenever a member of our family accomplishes something truly outstanding.   


In building our non-profit organization, I have had the privilege of assembling a team that represents our finest Penn State leaders.  


We are on an important mission to recognize actions within our community that demonstrate what we believe are the core ideals of what has made our university great and what will continue to strengthen our community in the future: Success with Honor 


This New Year's Day, I am asking you to join me in showing support and commitment to our Penn State community. 


We think you will agree it is fitting that our first action as an organization will be to celebrate our Coach and players who overcame adversity and completed an outstanding year. They demonstrated to us and the world that was watching so closely what Success with Honor means. 


Our Coach and our team stayed committed to one another even when it was easy to leave. They never made excuses and focused only on doing the work and getting the job done. They took the hearts of our entire community on their back at a time when we needed to be carried.  And they did not complain. Success with Honor.


There is no doubt that the commitment each of our players made to Penn State this year was tremendous. What they accomplished was much bigger than sports and needs to be celebrated. Coach O'Brien and our players showed leadership and poise with the entire world watching.   


On behalf of our entire Blue White Rising team I am asking you to join us in our new stadium we have built. It is a powerful digital stadium where we all can gather regardless of how far or close we are to Happy Valley.  


I ask you to join us as I believe it is now our turn to say "Thank You" to a team and a coach who gave us much to cheer about at a time when we need it, and helped us to come together as a community.  WE ARE PENN STATE PROUD.




On January 1st we ask every member of the Penn State Community to roar together. 

We need your help.  You are receiving this email because you are an important member of the Penn State community.  We need you to become an advocate for Blue White Rising by following 3 simple steps:   


1) Visit www.bluewhiterising.com to join our campaign. 


2) Share BWR with your Penn State family and friends on Facebook and Twitter


3) Forward this email to every great Penn Stater you know. 


When we work together as a family the Penn State Nation is unstoppable. We are a powerful family who sticks together and always supports one another. It's time now for every Penn Stater to get on the field and ROAR!  


On 1/1/2013 We will rise together. Roar with Us!


For The Glory,


Tony Bifano '96             

Founder Blue White Rising







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