Our Nurses Our Future

Dear Friend of RNFBC,

As we approach National Nursing Week 2023, the theme Our Nurses Our Future, could not be more appropriate. This embodies our approach as we strive to financially support students enrolled in diploma, undergraduate and post-graduate education. The generosity of our donors has meant that we have been able to award hundreds of bursaries annually. Like many organizations our investment income is down this past year and we are challenged to sustain the same number of bursaries as in the past; ironically this is at a time when the nursing shortage means more financial support is needed than ever before.

Priorities set for two years

While there are many nursing priorities that arise in today’s challenged health care system, after much discussion, the RNFBC Board has identified two key areas for fundraising in 2023 and 2024:

1.    Support education to advance nursing practice in complex senior’s care; and

2.    Support Indigenous nurses in pre-licensure and post-graduate education.


We are calling on our donors, past award recipients, friends and family of recipients – our entire community to donate to the 2023 RNFBC Bursary Boost to help us continue this vital support to nursing. Together let’s make Our Nurses Our Future our reality.

Kind regards,

Pat Semeniuk, President RNFBC

Donate to the Bursary Boost

 Why I support RNFBC

As a nurse who gained so much personally and professionally from the nursing profession I feel compelled to give back by being engaged as a board member and by being a donor. I urge all of you who have also benefited from nursing to consider supporting RNFBC as a donor, or by giving of your time and talent as a board or committee member

Dianne Doyle BScN, MSN 

Words from a thankful award recipients:

As a single mom going back to school, I appreciated the support! I was extra touched when I researched the origins of the Mable and Henry Doree Family Memorial Bursary. I love that Joan, who established the bursary in 2012 in honor of her parents, was able to go to nursing school during the depression when her dad cashed in a portion of his life insurance policy to fund her education. It sounded like it was a good investment as she went on to have a long and influential career as a nurse. Such generous gifts can really make a difference in people's lives.  

Katherine Oldfield, nursing student, Selkirk College

I never knew that I wanted to become a nurse until I found this program that focuses on mental health through psychiatric nursing. I firmly believe in providing culturally safe care and I feel privileged that I am able to be a part of this profession. My goal is to work with individuals struggling with addiction through holistic means such as psychotherapy, non-traditional medical modalities and counselling. Receiving this bursary helps me recognize the devotion and admiration that I have for this field that I am soon to enter.

Amanda Mollard, registered psychiatric nursing student, recipient of Mary Sutherland Bursary

A new bursary in memory of Carol Acton will be offered this year

We are extremely pleased that a new bursary honouring Carol Acton, who pioneered a new approach to caring for seniors in hospital, will be offered this year. Carol died in 2021 and RNFBC was very grateful to learn that she had remembered the Foundation in her will. In this year’s award cycle, to honour Carol’s nursing focus, we will be offering bursaries to nurses currently working in complex senior’s care.

My heart is so much filled with joy and gratitude for having been chosen as one of the recipients of the Elgin & Vivian Lockridge Bursary. Thank you so much for your generous support to my graduate studies. Currently, I work as the Clinical Nurse Educator in an Acute Care for the Elderly (ACE) Unit. In my graduate studies, my research focus is on Gerontology that aims at examining the trends and meeting the health needs of the aging population. Through a critical gerontology lens, I am interested in contributing to aging research, policy, and practice at systems, organizational, and unit levels.

Neil Villamor, Nursing PhD candidate, UBC



Save the Date - RNFBC Annual General Meeting

To learn more about RNFBC please join us at the next AGM.

The RNFBC Annual General Meeting will take place Monday, June 26, 2023 at 5:00 pm. Save the date and watch for details. If you have not yet renewed your membership, it’s not too late. 

Become a Member or Renew Your Membership