About this Weekly Policy Brief

This brief is your source for the latest updates on legislation and policies impacting the Rocky Mountain Partnership's priorities. It's not just about staying informed – we want to equip you to understand and engage with the legislative landscape. 

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Please also note: This information is subject to change. In addition, some updates may be sourced from organizations that have read limits or limits on how many articles you can access in a given time period.

Top Things to Know

Last Tuesday, RMP Civic Influencers Gabriela Chavez, Sarah Justice Hughes, and Lizz Valeria Decanini had the privilege of attending the Thornton City Council Meeting. During public comment, they had the opportunity to share more about their work as Civic Influencers across the north metro region.

A special thank you to Council Member Kathy Henson and Mayor Pro Tem Karen Bigelow for inviting our Civic Influencers to learn more about local government and share about this program!

RMP Civic Influencer Sarah Justice Hughes provided written testimony to the House Education Committee last week in favor of SB24-164: Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements. This proposed legislation aims to assist students in higher education by making the costs of their education more transparent and simplifying the process of transferring credits between institutions.

We are excited to share that last week, SB24-164 unanimously passed the House Education Committee!

As shared previously, three RMP Civic Influencers also provided testimony in support of this bill to the Senate Education Committee last month.

Additional bills RMP is watching was signed into law:

  • HB24-1003: Opiate Antagonists and Detection Products in Schools
  • HB24-1087: Professional Endorsement Special Education Teaching
  • HB24-1098: Cause Required for Eviction of Residential Tenant
  • HB24-1393: Accelerating Concurrent Enrollment Program Modifications
  • HB24-1394: Mill Levy Equalization
  • HB24-1404: Financial Aid Appropriation Alignment
  • HB24-1406: School-Based Mental Health Support Program
  • HB24-1420: Transfer to Colorado Crime Victim Services Fund

Education Corner: Bill of the Week

HB24-1313: Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities

HB24-1313: Housing in Transit-Oriented Communities is focused establishing clear criteria on what it means to be a transit-oriented communities, and help these communities set and achieve housing goals.

What would the bill do?

  • Establish criteria that local governments need to meet to become transit-oriented communities
  • Require transit-oriented communities to meet certain housing goals as set by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA)
  • Establish transit center criteria
  • Require transit-oriented communities to submit housing opportunity goal reports to DOLA every three years
  • Failure to submit reports or approval results in nonqualified status, which means money allocated to the community will be redirected and DOLA can seek compliance through injunction
  • Allow local governments to designate areas as neighborhood centers based on specific criteria
  • Establish the transit-oriented communities infrastructure fund grant program ($35 million to start in July 2024)
  • Prohibit planned unit developments within transit or neighborhood centers from restricting housing development beyond local laws
  • Void any unit owners’ association restrictions on housing development beyond local laws
  • Require Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA) to allocate state affordable housing tax credits to qualified developers within transit centers

What economic and social mobility metrics does this bill impact?

Where is this bill in its legislative journey?

This bill has passed the House, and was introduced in the Senate on April 18th. It was assigned to the Senate Local Government & Housing Committee.

How can I learn more about this bill?

Click the button below to view the bill.

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A quick update on bills previously highlighted...

Learn more about policies at the statehouse!

See RMP's latest policy overviews, as well as fact sheets shared by partners HERE.

Legislative Updates




total bills have been introduced this session

bills are being watched by RMP

bills that RMP is watching have been signed into law

New Bills We Are Keeping an Eye On

  • HB24-1461: Exemption for College Program Completion Earned Time
  • HB24-1463: Restrictions on Tap Fees

Bills Being Heard in Committee This Week

Monday, April 29th

Senate Education

Time: 1:30 PM

  • HB24-1331: Out-of-School Time Grant Program
  • HB24-1278: Sunset Concurrent Enrollment Advisory Board

Senate Judiciary

Time: 1:30 PM

  • HB24-1350: Parental Responsibilities Proceedings Child Safety

House Health & Human Services

Time: 1:30 PM

  • SB24-047: Prevention of Substance Use Disorders
  • SB24-110: Medicaid Prior Authorization Prohibition
  • SB24-200: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare
  • SB24-202: Assignment of Child Support Foster Youth
  • SB24-048: Substance Use Disorders Recovery

Tuesday, April 30th

House Health & Human Services

Time: Upon Adjournment

House Transportation, Housing, & Local Government

Time: Upon Adjournment

Senate Business, Labor & Technology

Time: 2:00 PM

  • HB24-1440: Property & Casualty Insurance Documents & Forms

Senate Local Government & Housing

Time: 2:00 PM

  • SB24-112: Construction Defect Action Procedures
  • HB24-1308: Effective Implementation of Affordable Housing Programs

Wednesday, May 1st

Senate Judiciary

Time: 1:30 PM

  • HB24-1437: Prohibit Flat Fees for Defending Indigent Clients

Thursday, May 2nd

Senate Health & Human Services

Time: 1:30 PM

  • HB24-1384: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics

Bills That Have Been Postponed Indefinitely

  • SB24-154: Accessory Dwelling Units
  • HB24-1299: Short-Term Rental Unit Property Tax Classification

Out of Committee and Headed to the Floor

  • SB24-034: Increase Access to School-Based Health Care
  • SB24-164: Institution of Higher Education Transparency Requirements (on the House floor)
  • HB24-1052: Senior Housing Income Tax Credit
  • HB24-1099: Defendant Filing Fees in Evictions (headed to the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1175: Local Governments Rights to Property for Affordable Housing (headed to the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1176: Behavioral Health Grant for Capital Project (on the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1231: State Funding for Higher Education Projects (on the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1260: Prohibition Against Employee Discipline
  • HB24-1268: Financial Assistance for Certain Low-Income Individuals
  • HB24-1294: Mobile Homes in Mobile Home Parks (headed to the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1304: Minimum Parking Requirements (headed to the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1324: Attorney General Restrictive Employment Agreements (headed to the Senate floor)
  • HB24-1365: Opportunity Now Grants & Tax Credit
  • HB24-1446: Professional Development for Science Teachers
  • HB24-1461: Exemption for College Program Completion Earned Time

Bills That Have Successfully Passed in One Chamber

  • SB24-047: Prevention of Substance Use Disorders
  • SB24-048: Substance Use Disorders Recovery
  • SB24-059: Children's Behavioral Health Statewide System of Care
  • SB24-110: Medicaid Prior Authorization Prohibition
  • SB24-143: Credential Quality Apprenticeship Classification
  • SB24-146: Tax Credit for Qualified Renters
  • SB24-174: Sustainable Affordable Housing Assistance
  • SB24-191: Host Homes for Youth
  • SB24-200: Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion in Child Welfare
  • SB24-202: Assignment of Child Support Foster Youth
  • HB24-1008: Wage Claims Construction Industry Contractors
  • HB24-1095: Increasing Protections for Minor Workers
  • HB24-1115: Prescription Drug Label Accessibility
  • HB24-1278: Sunset Concurrent Enrollment Advisory Board
  • HB24-1286: Equal Justice Fund Authority
  • HB24-1308: Effective Implementation of Affordable Housing Programs
  • HB24-1320: Educator Safety Task Force
  • HB24-1322: Medicaid Coverage Housing & Nutrition Services
  • HB24-1331: Out-of-School Time Grant Program
  • HB24-1350: Parental Responsibilities Proceedings Child Safety
  • HB24-1364: Education-Based Workforce Readiness
  • HB24-1384: Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
  • HB24-1431: Stable Housing for Survivors of Abuse Program
  • HB24-1437: Prohibit Flat Fees for Defending Indigent Clients
  • HB24-1440: Property & Casualty Insurance Documents & Forms

Bills That Have Successfully Passed in Both Chambers

  • SB24-010: Dentist & Dental Hygienist Compact
  • SB24-018: Physician Assistant Licensure Compact
  • SB24-125: Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children
  • SB24-188: Public School Finance
  • HB24-1057: Prohibit Algorithmic Devices Used for Rent Setting
  • HB24-1107: Judicial Review of Local Land Use Decision
  • HB24-1149: Prior Authorization Requirements Alternatives
  • HB24-1233: Homeowners' Association Delinquency Payments Enforcement Procedures

Bills Awaiting the Governor's Signature

  • SB24-073: Maximum Number of Employees to Qualify as Small Employer
  • SB24-094: Safe Housing for Residential Tenants
  • HB24-1072: Protection of Victims of Sexual Offenses
  • HB24-1096: School Psychologist Licensure Interstate Compact
  • HB24-1291: Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals
  • HB24-1392: Cap Schools in Early High School Graduation Pilot
  • HB24-1403: Higher Education Support Homeless Youth
  • HB24-1430: 2024-25 Long Appropriations Bill (a.k.a. the Budget)

Action Toolkit


Take a deep dive into the bills that are most meaningful and impactful to you. Click the button below to view RMP's State Bill Tracker.

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Write a letter sharing your thoughts about the bills most meaningful and impactful to you Click the button below to download our letter template.

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Talk directly to legislators about the bills most meaningful and impactful to you by testifying at the statehouse. Click the button below to learn more.

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Regional, State, and National Policy and News Roundup

Details of property-tax cut proposal revealed

Commercial properties would receive gradually increasing tax breaks over the next eight years, homeowners would get breaks based on property values and the Legislature would impose a soft cap on property-tax revenue increases under the draft version of a long-awaited bill from a specially formed property-tax commission.

Read More

Update on Gen Z’s Workplace Values

Generation Z is reimagining a more equitable and empathetic workplace, challenging employers to redefine work for the benefit of all workers. In this episode of the Horizon’s podcast, host Tameshia Bridges Mansfield passes the microphone to two young adults from Generation Z—host Alex Edgar, a youth civic engagement expert, and special guest Zoë Jenkins, a diversity, equity, and inclusion thought leader, as they discuss the future of work from a Generation Z perspective. 

Read More

Questions? Reach out to Ashley Edinger, RMP's Senior Director of Institute & Strategic Supports at AshleyEdinger@RMPBackbone.org.

About the Rocky Mountain Partnership

Rocky Mountain Partnership (RMP) is a group of leaders and community members who are WORKING TOGETHER to ensure that every young person across our region has the opportunity to embark on a successful journey toward economic and social advancement. 

Guided by a globally recognized framework and data, we strive to create impactful, large-scale solutions. We break down silos within existing efforts, optimize regional resources, and advance impactful policies and strategies. 

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