It's so easy to get bogged down in the current struggle in Haiti, the violence, lack of resources, price of essentials doubling or tripling, or constantly looking over your shoulder for anything out of place. Having served in Haiti over the last 14 years... nothing prepared any of us for the events currently taking place in Haiti. With God we know all things are possible. Rising above the fray is not only possible, but necessary to provide God's vision in Tibo

Sewing Stations

The EPI Sewing Team Prepares for Final Exams and Graduation

Walk with us in Tibo, Haiti... Your donation radically changes individual lives. families. and the community as a whole!

As I began to consider what to share I thought about how as Haiti is totally upside down and on fire in this moment, God's grace is ever present allowing us to continue and succeed in His vision and purposes. Rising above the fray...came to mind. Here we are living in a country that lacks almost everything... and yet God's plans for Tibo are moving forward, people are graduating and will begin their first job soon, and the Screen Print shop will be 99% complete by the end of April. The new equipment will come out of storage and be assembled for design and printing. Our building schedule is on track and we have hope to move on to the next project late this summer. We are

Rising Above the Fray

Please GIVE TODAY to provide support for our programs and to continue our building programs that will allow growth in the building trades we will offer. Together the Sewing and Screen Print Center will have the potential to employ 30+ skilled tradespeople... This is the first employment center in Tibo for skilled workers! Walk with us in Tibo today by giving monthly


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Visit our Website
Studying the Word
Work Stations

Morning Bible Class... Madel has the pleasure of leading the morning bible class. At first we thought we would only have a few takers, but to our surprise every person who comes through the gate to train or work in the morning are eager to sit down and learn the truth found only in Jesus! Madel is leading them along a path through the New Testament. She is teaching about the nature of God, and what Jesus calls us to if we seek to follow Him. Many false ideas need to be uprooted and the seeds of truth planted. God seeks a love relationship with all who call on His name. Jesus requires that He is first, that He is everything in our lives if we are follow Him...

Construction Team... The team started in February 2023 on the first building and infrastructure that would allow us to have a solid foundation to build and grow on. We are blessed with an abundance of solar power and the fast speeds of Starlink internet that now provides continuous connection anywhere on the campus.

The men of our core crew are learning new techniques, new tools, and most importantly... What does it take to make a productive work day? The team takes great pride in their work as they will finish the Screen Print Center in April. Some of these men will become professionals in the various trades will eventually offer instruction in.



The Value of Recurring or Monthly Donations...

In this issue we will wrap up our conversation on the value of the monthly or recurring giving. First we are just as thankful for small one-time donations as we are larger or recurring donations. All are welcome and all are needed. but the monthly or recurring provides benefits for the donor and the organization that others do not. In a word...

consistency and commitment.

Advantages as a donor:

  • Set It and Forget It... Sign in and set it up one time and enjoy watching your part in the greater good grow. You have a front row seat to the action every month.
  • Here is one for you! Of course a free printed T-shirt as soon as the Screen Print shop opens. Be one of the first to receive a "I'm an Empowering Partner, Walk with me in Tibo, Haiti!" If you set a monthly amount of $25 or more you will receive the shirt!
  • Allows you to have a greater personal impact by investing an amount that fits into your budget each month.
  • Provides a heightened sense of and commitment to the community your investing in. Also in reality you are more involved and responsible to those we serve. There will be Monthly or recurring donor events from time to time.

Advantages for those the Organization serves:

  • Provides consistent support for programs and projects through what might typically be a slower time of the year.
  • Monthly or recurring donors help stabilize the organization, it allows for a greater ability to set a budget, to set goals, and the creation of a yearly plan.
  • The key to growth, the ability to serve more, in greater ways lies with the committed group of recurring donors.
  • A consistent and growing community of Monthly or Recurring Donors allows those on the ground to enjoy more time to focus on what really matters... rather than fundraising.

It should be easy to see how we can do better, together! Pi bon Ansanm! Some of you are already providing a recurring or monthly investment. You can set up your donation online, it's easy or continue as you are... you are already invested. All of us want to make a greater difference in our lives, in our families, and in the lives of those who are in deep instability and struggle. Will you take a few moments, to make a well thought out decision on monthly giving, on becoming an Empowering Partner? Thank you for walking with us in Tibo!!!

Become a monthly Empowering Partner

Coming Soon: Our new online store opening is April / May 2024

@ empoweringpartners.org

Empowering Partners Inc.

11285 North Gage Rd.

Barneveld, New York 13304


Questions? Text or Call

US & Haiti 315.292.0857

Haiti 011.509.4331.3063

Changing lives...Creating Opportunity

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