RISE Summer 2019 Retreat - Lake Tahoe

As we wrap up the summer and look forward to a new school year, this newsletter will provide an update on some of the many exciting recent activities, accomplishments, and events at RISELab.

One highlight of the summer was the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows (SURF) Program, which was organized by Professor Joseph Gonzalez. Designed to introduce UC Berkeley undergraduates to cutting-edge RISELab research, the SURF program involved 21 students, organized into several teams, working with graduate students on a variety of projects. It was a great success, and several of the projects are continuing into the upcoming school year.

RISELab faculty continue to receive awards for their work. Two, in particular, deserve mention. First, congratulations to RISELab's newest faculty member, Professor Aditya Parameswaran, for winning this year's VLDB Early Career Award. The award recognizes a researcher who has demonstrated research impact through a specific technical contribution of high significance since completing their Ph.D. Also, Professor Raluca Popa has been selected for the Bakar Fellows Program, which supports faculty working to apply scientific discoveries to real-world issues in the fields of engineering, computer science, chemistry, and biological and physical sciences. With her Bakar Fellows Spark Award, Professor Popa will design and build a data encryption platform that will enable collaborative machine learning studies by performing these multi-party computations under encryption.

We also continue to publish influential papers in several top systems and AI venues, and some of our systems have been seeing broader adoption. Topics range from cryptographic primitives and efficient communication protocols, to new methods to analyze neural network weight matrices and second-order optimization methods, to how to do better hyperparameter tuning.

RISE blogs are now on Medium. We will continue to post blogs describing our work, but click here to follow our blog going forward.

Finally, save the date for the upcoming RISE Camp, which will take place on October 17-18, 2019. General registration will be available through the  RISE Camp website later in September .

Professor Michael Mahoney
RISELab Faculty Member




Michael Jordan
  • Plenary Speaker Joint Meeting of the German Statistical Societies Munich 3/21/19
  • Distinguished Lecture J. Mark Sowers Distinguished Lecture Department of Statistics, Virginia Tech VA 3/28/19
  • Keynote Speaker TechCrunch Conference '19 Berkeley 4/19/19
  • Distinguished Lecture Department of Computer Science, Purdue University Purdue 4/10/19
  • Plenary Speaker, Bayes, Frequentist, Fiducial Conference, Durham, NC, 4/29/19
  • Keynote Speaker, Opening of the Samsung Artificial Intelligence Lab, Montreal, Canada, 5/1/19
  • Keynote Speaker, Spark/AI Conference '19, San Francisco, 4/24/19
  • Keynote Speaker, VMware Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 5/13/19
  • Plenary Speaker, Bay Area Optimization Meeting, Santa Cruz, CA, 5/17/19
  • Keynote Speaker, USENIX Conference on Operational Machine Learning, San Jose, CA, 5/20/19
  • Keynote Speaker, Hangzhou Conference on Data Science, Hangzhou, China, 5/26/19
  • Distinguished Lecture, Department of Computer Science, Tel Aviv University, 6/5/19
  • Keynote Speaker, Annual Meeting of the Israeli Statistical Association, Tel Aviv, Israel, 6/6/19
  • Panel, Inaugural ACM/IMS Conference on Data Science, San Francisco, 6/15/19
  • Invited Speaker, CVPR Workshop on Information Semantics, Long Beach, CA, 6/16/19
  • Keynote Speaker, Workshop on Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured Representations, Toulouse, France, 7/6/19
  • Panel, Joint Statistics Meeting Workshop on Data Science, San Francisco, 7/29/19

Michael Mahoney
  • Invited speaker, DSCO 2019Local graph analytics: beyond characterizing community structure 3/11/19
  • Plenary Talk, Physics informed machine learning, University of Washington, Why Deep Learning Works: Heavy-Tailed Random Matrix Theory as an Example of Physics Informed Machine Learning 6/6/19
  • Keynote Talk, ICML 2019 Workshop on Theoretical Physics for Deep LearningWhy Deep Learning Works: Traditional and Heavy-Tailed Implicit Self-Regularization in Deep Neural Networks 6/14/19
  • Workshop Talk, KDD 2019, Statistical Mechanics Methods for Discovering Knowledge from Production-Scale Neural Networks 8/4/19

David Patterson
  • Keynote, Xilinx Emerging Technology Symposium, A New Golden Age for Computer ArchitectureSan Jose, California 4/11/19
  • Keynote, ICWise (CEO) forum,  RISC-V International Open Source LaboratoryShanghai, China. 4/13/19
  • Keynote, Tsinghua-Berkeley Workshop, RISC-V, Shenzhen, China 4/14/19
  • Keynote, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen InstituteA New Golden Age for Computer Architecture, Shenzhen, China 4/14/19
  • Distinguished Lecture, A New Golden Age for Computer ArchitectureUniversity of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC 5/16/19
  • Keynote, SIGARCH Visioning Workshop, Challenges and Opportunities in Agile and Open Computer Architecture FCRC, Phoenix, AZ 6/23/19
  • Keynote, Undergraduate Mentoring Workshop, A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture: History, Challenges, and Opportunities, FCRC, Phoenix, AZ 6/23/19
  • Keynote, SysML Workshop, Domain-Specific Architectures for Deep Neural Networks:10 Fallacies and Pitfalls, FCRC, Phoenix, AZ 6/23/19
  • Keynote, ACM TechTalk, A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture, Mountain View, California 8/29/19

Koushik Sen 
  • UT Austin Colloquium, Automated Test Generation: A Journey from Symbolic Execution to Smart Fuzzing and Beyond 3/27/19
  • Invited talk Uber Science Symposium Automated Test Generation: A Journey from Symbolic Execution to Smart Fuzzing and Beyond 5/3/19
  • Distinguished lecture Max Planck Institute Automated Test Generation: A Journey from Symbolic Execution to Smart Fuzzing and Beyond  6/4/19
  • ACM SIGSOFT Impact Keynote Award Talk 27th ACM Joint European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering (ESEC/FSE) CUTE: a concolic unit testing engine for C 8/30/19
  • Keynote 17th edition of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods Automated Test Generation: A Journey from Symbolic Execution to Smart Fuzzing and Beyond 9/20/19

Dawn Song
  • Keynote CAV 7/16/19
  • Keynote KDD Deep Learning Day 8/5/19

Ion Stoica
  • Invited talk Google Networking Event Closing the growing semantic gap between application and network 3/12/19
  • Keynote ScaledML AI and Systems at RISELab Keynote 3/28/19
  • Keynote NorCalDB Day To Unify or Specialize, 5/1/19
  • Keynote University Babes Bolyai AI and Systems at RISELab Romania, 6/11/19
  • Invited talk, AI in Finance: Applications and Infrastructure for Multi-Agent Learning RLlib: A Platform for Finance Research 6/14/19
  • Keynote O'Reilly AI AI and Systems at RISELab China, 6/20/19
UC Berkeley's RISELab 

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