Thanks to RINO Beth Fukumoto, the Hawaii GOP has become the HIGHER TAX PARTY
. . . leaving voters with ZERO reason to elect MORE Republicans

Dear Hawaii Republican:

Imagine Democrat  Nancy Pelosi moving to Hawaii, becoming a Republican, and running for office from Mililani.  It's not as far-fetched as you might think.
Over the past few days, Hawaii's own Nancy Pelosi has signalled that she wants to take the Republicans in our State House of Representatives even further to the left while strengthening their partnership with the Democrats to soak Hawaii taxpayers.
Just over a year ago, Mililani "Republican" Beth Fukumoto was ready to jump ship and join the Democrat Party along with her mentor Aaron "Ling" Johanson, who abandoned his post as GOP leader "because I think it fits me better".  Reportedly, Fukumoto delayed her defection to the ruling Democrat Party and stayed put in the GOP due to a combination of cold feet and a determination to become minority leader and use her post to make the Republican Party more like the Democrat Party.
Well, Fukumoto has succeeded in getting her team of elected Republicans to make that left turn with her while keeping card-carrying Republicans in the dark.  No, friends, she is not 'leading the fight' against Democrats.  Fukumoto is proudly aiding and abetting them.
Last year, during the 2015 legislative session, RINO Fukumoto convinced a majority of her caucus to help Democrats push through higher excise taxes of $200 per person per year for construction of the grossly-over-budget boondoggle known as the rail project.  Fukumoto's frontal attack on working families and the middle class also ensured that Oahu residents would be saddled with a 9% hike (probably more) in their property taxes to fund the City's annual operations and maintenance costs of rail transit.
Now, in 2016, Hawaii's Nancy Pelosi ( Fukumoto, that is) is leading a second assault on taxpayers; with her eyes on increasing property taxes twice in the span of just eight months.  She has once again teamed up with Democrats in 2016 to demand higher property tax assessments to pay for utopian government "affordable housing" projects.  Never mind the evidence that most families are living paycheck to paycheck.  Like a true-blue Democrat, Fukumoto wants to squeeze even more money from cash-strapped homeowners and renters in order to exacerbate the worsening housing crisis and push more families into public housing.
Like Democrats, big government Fukumoto believes money grows on trees and that she knows how to spend our money better than we do.   Why bother pretending to be a Republican?!?
Civil Beat reports that " Minority Leader Beth Fukumoto Chang said her caucus looked forward to working closely with Joe Souki and Majority Leader Scott Saiki."  Well, they obviously do.  And taxpayers are going to continue getting the shaft from big government Republicans in name only.
Fukumoto has sucked her fellow Republicans in the Minority State House Caucus down the rabbit hole by aligning the GOP caucus with the Democrat agenda and the hyper-liberal "Hawaii Future Caucus" in particularJoe Souki couldn't be any happier.
That's at least THREE tax increases Fukumoto has supported in the space of one year; to say nothing about her reliable support as Republican leader for the Democrats' pork-filled budget for our bloated state government which is the #1 driver of Hawaii's high cost of living.
Fukumoto's reckless abandonment of Republican policies and principles  is taking place with the enthusiastic support of Fukumoto's colleagues Gene Ward, Bob McDermott, Andria Tupola, Feki Pouha, Lauren Cheape, and Cynthia Thielen .
The big questions conservatives have for these "Republican" celebrity politicians are:  Why have you appointed an opportunistic,  big spending, high taxing liberal to be your leader of the Republicans in the State House?  Why are you supporting the failed Democrat agenda instead of fighting it?  Have you completely given up as Republicans?  Do you recognize your complicity in making Hawaii a more expensive place to live?
Yes, Nancy Pelosi has arrived in Hawaii.  And her name is Beth Fukumoto.




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