RIMA's September Newsletter
Congressional Summit - September 23rd
Our job here at RIMA is to give you, the manufacturers, the ability and resources to continue and compete and grow among others in the industry.
In this Issue - CLICK AND READ
#1 Must See
* Davies Vocational - Ribbon Cutting on 8/30
* Lt. Gov's Trade Opportunity -10/3 - A few spots left
* National MFG.Day - O ct . 4th - 7 Things....
RIMA Events - Time is Running out to Register
. *** GD&T Class in NOW FULL ***
Check These Out
* Industrial Week - As Baby Boomers are...
* American Machinist  - Reshoring and foreign....
* Harvard Business Review  - Surprisingly, we found....
* Vertical6 Webinar - Exploring the Payment Card

Manufacturing Day is fast approaching...October 4, 2019. Those few hours you spend with guests are your chance to communicate the importance of what you do. Here are seven things every manufacturer can do to make their Manufacturing Day event a success. READ MORE MFG Day Success
Member Spotlight
Learn about cutting edge tactics to get new customers. Special offer for RIMA members!



September 23
Time: 8:00am - 11:00am

New Floor Layout at the Event
October 3 rd  
Manufacturing Kickoff Day 
TIME: 5:00 pm - 7:00pm

 RIMA and the Museum of Work and Culture   located in Woonsocket are hosting the kickoff of Manufacturing Week!

*** GD&T Class in NOW FULL ****

Another Class will be held in January 2020
Davies Vocational is hosting a
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Date: 8/30 Time: 2:00 pm
Celebrating the opening of their
New Advance Manufacturing
School and Bio-Tech. 

Speaker Mattiello, Senate President Ruggierio, House Majority Leader Joe Shekarchi and Senate Majority Leader Michael McCafferty will be in attendance.
 Representing the Governor’s office will be Commerce Secretary Stefan Pryor and DLT Director Scott Jensen.
Voice of the Blue-Collar Worker
Did you know, the $4,659 it costs to lose one blue-collar worker can fund a $2.24 hourly pay increase for a year, improve morale, retain knowledge, and maintain productivity? For the first time in a decade, there are far more blue-collar jobs on the market than there are skilled workers to fill them.... READ MORE
Lt. Governor Dan McKee recently met with the Taiwan Director-General Douglas Hsu. Director Hsu discussed an upcoming business opportunity and encouraged Rhode Island companies attend a “Business Day Program”

We are inviting Rhode Island companies to attend the " US Business Day" on Oct. 3rd held by Taiwan's Ministry of Economic Affairs and American Institute in Taiwan (de facto US Embassy). It is a great opportunity for Rhode Island companies to get in touch with.....
Reshoring and foreign direct investment in the U.S. increased 38% during 2018.....

Surprisingly, we found employees want the basics first: better air quality, access to natural light, and the ability to personalize their work-space....... READ MORE
September 10, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Lunch & Learn: Manufacturing a Successful First Impression to the Digital World with Video. More

September 10, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm
Webinar: How to Take a Proactive Approach to Marketing Your Machine Shop MORE

September 24, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
One Day Lean for Manufacturers - Full Day Workshop MORE

October 10, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Leadership Lessons: How to Position & Rally Your Organization for Growth MORE

October 22, 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Lunch & Learn: Control of Sales – The Key to Business Growth MORE

Worries about a global economic slowdown-which has been exacerbated by.........
Tariff’s and NAFTA continue to create uncertainty in the manufacturing sector. The impact of these two items is affecting growth and the ability to sustain a strong economic impact in our sector.
IGT issue is a focus for the State Legislature to reconvene for discussion
As Baby Boomers are beginning to retire, jobs are opening up, thus the Silver Tsunami.
Thank You To Our 2019 Sponsors!
Interested in Membership?
Why Join RIMA?
We Advocate for Manufacturing
  • Let RIMA keep you informed on the local, state and federal levels critical issues
  • Ensure your concerns are being raised with government leaders of our state
We Promote Economic Improvement
  • We offer networking opportunities to our members
  • We promote and support a more competitive business climate
  • We collaborate with like-minded organizational partners to amplify our cross-industry interests throughout the state
We Help Solve Problems
  • A clearinghouse of information:
  • We connect you with local suppliers and potential customers
  • We can elevate your legislation and regulatory concerns to public officials
We Support Education and Workforce Development
  • RIMA's partner, WeMakeRI, develops career, education programs to help companies identify and secure talented workers through certified apprentice programs