RIMA News June- 2018
Wishing You Success This Month...
Our job here at RIMA is to give you, the manufacturers, the ability and resources to continue and compete and grow among others in the industry. We are excited to share a number of upcoming events and stories with you! We also want to wish you a great start to the summer season!
Manufacturing Job Openings At Highest Level Since 2001

NAM Chief Economist Chad Moutray writes this week "the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that job openings in the manufacturing sector recently soared to the highest reading since January 2001." Moutray added that "manufacturers posted 451,000 job openings in April, up from 421,000 in March." According to the post, "the pace of manufacturing job openings has trended higher, consistent with the tight labor market seen in other data," adding that "the gap between the number of manufacturing workers and available manufacturing jobs- often a result of the fact that there simply are not enough qualified applicants to fill them- is actually a serious problem for manufacturers."
Upcoming Events!

RIMA announces a collaborating with OSHA for a discussion on September 11th from 8 am to 9:30 am

Further details on the discussion and location to follow
National Association of Manufacturers News...
NAM Supports Jobs For Success Act
  • In a press release, the National Association of Manufacturers published a statement from President and CEO Jay Timmons supporting the Jobs and Opportunity with Benefits and Services (JOBS) for Success Act of 2018, which the House Ways & Means Committee marked up
  • Timmons says "The JOBS for Success Act creates new opportunities for people left behind to join the 21st-century manufacturing workforce
NAM Economic Report
  • There were continuing signs of strength in the U.S. manufacturing sector in the latest data
  • For instance, the IHS Markit Flash U.S. Manufacturing PMI inched up ti 56.6 in May
NAM Says 9.2% Increase In Capital Investments In First Quarter Shows Impact Of "Tax Reform And Other Pro-Growth Measures"
  • NAM Chief Economic Economist Chad Moutray writes that as part of an economic report showing that "US GDP grew 2.2% in the fist quarter and is on track to grow roughly 3% in 2018," additionally, "nonresidential fixed investment increased 9.2%, likely boosted by tax reform and a strengthened economy"
NAM's Timmons: Time For "Bold Action" With China
  • NAM President writes that "President Donald Trump has done more for manufacturing workers than any other president in recent history," and he has an opportunity "to cement his legacy- by seeking, negotiating and securing a history-making trade agreement with China.'
White House Touts NAM Quarterly Survey Results Showing Record Optimism in Recap of Administration's First 500 Days
  • In a press release, The White House highlighted the administration's achievements during its first 500 days
  • "After 500 days, the results are clear: the American economy is stronger, American workers are experiencing more opportunities, confidence is soaring, and business is booming"
U.S. Manufacturers News
US Manufacturing Quickens While Prices Keep Spiraling Upward. According to the ISM survey order backlogs grew by the most in 14 years
  • U.S. Manufacturing expanded at a faster pace in May and order backlogs grew by the most in 14 years, even as price gains for materials continued to accelerate, the Institute for Supply Management said
Manufacturers Added 18,000 Jobs in May; More Evidence That "Tax Reform is Fueling Our Economy"
  • Manufacturers added 18,000 workers in May, extending the 25,000 gain in April," and it "was he eighth consecutive month with robust hiring growth in the sector, averaging 25,500 per month over that time frame
Bloomberg News, May 31
  • Manufacturers and business groups slammed President Trump's decision to impose tariffs on steel and aluminium imports from the European Union, Canada and Mexico, warning of promised retaliation and calling it a tax on U.S. companies and consumers
Industry Week Reports
  • As of June 1, the tariffs on steel (25%) and the tariffs on aluminium (10%) became effective
  • Manufacturing associations reacted swiftly and strongly letting the administration know how this would affect their respective markets
IMTS Chicago September 10-15
  • IMTS 2018 is the premier manufacturing technology show in North America. Held every even-numbered year in Chicago
  • Industry Professionals see the innovative technology, systems and processes that can improve their efficiency
Global Manufacturing News
EU Set to Strike Back Against US with Tariffs on Harleys
  • Harley Davidson and bourbon are both on the bloc's list of goods that could be hit, pressuring Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, who hails from Wisconsin home of the motorcycle maker, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, from Kentucky, where the whiskey is made
Member Spotlight
This Month's Member in the Spotlight...
Sandberg Machine
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Why Join RIMA?
We Advocate for Manufacturing
  • Let RIMA keep you informed on the local, state and federal levels critical issues
  • Ensure your concerns are being raised with government leaders of our state
We Promote Economic Improvement
  • We offer networking opportunities to our members
  • We promote and support a more competitive business climate
  • We collaborate with like-minded organizational partners to amplify our cross-industry interests throughout the state
We Help Solve Problems
  • A clearinghouse of information:
  • We connect you with local suppliers and potential customers
  • We can elevate your legislation and regulatory concerns to public officials
We Support Education and Workforce Development
  • RIMA's partner, We Make RI, develops career, education programs to help companies identify and secure talented workers through certified apprentice programs