May 2021

Happy National Nurse's Day! Thank YOU nurses for all that you do every day.
In the News: Healthcare Community Receiving Critical COVID-19 Vaccination Data via Rochester RHIO

Did You Know that Explore+ Has Three Views?

Rochester RHIO's advanced clinical query portal, Explore+, has three data views for authorized users, including a Timeline View, an Expression View, and a Demographic View. This month, we are highlighting the Timeline View. In the Timeline View, authorized users can look at a client's community health record by date with the latest information right at the top. Explore+ users have found the Timeline View to be more visually appealing and to be useful in locating recent medical activity.
Make Password Security a Priority
May 6, 2021 is World Password Day

Written By: Eric Bielski, Chief Information Security Officer

Password security is an item that everyone likes to laugh about. “Eric, I salted my password. Should I microwave it now?” – “Eric, I wrote my password down in this password logbook, is that ok?” Ha HA! But really, password complexity is becoming second nature for many people, and that’s great.

But just because you have made a complex password does not mean that you can check password security off of your list. If you’re accessing multiple applications or platforms with the same password, you’re putting yourself and the data and system protected by that one password at risk. If that one password is breached, then every system you’ve used it for is susceptible to a dictionary attack – where an attacker uses common or previously breached passwords to attempt to gain access to a system or application.

If you’re like me, then remembering dozens or even hundreds of passwords will seem impossible. Consider a reputable password manager. There are free solutions and paid solutions for this. Skip the password logbook. It is World Password Day! What an excellent day to start practicing better password security!
CEO Jill Eisenstein Makes Rochester Business Journal Power 100 List

At the end of February, Rochester RHIO CEO and President Jill Eisenstein was honored by being mentioned in the Rochester Business Journal's inaugural Power 100 List. The list has wide representation from several different sectors in the community including healthcare, finance, law, manufacturing, real estate, and more.

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