Life Science Nation Newsletter  | August 4,  2016  |  Issue 173

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Consulting
Life Science Investor Mandates (July 28  - August 3)
Seeks Life Science Deals Across North America
Invests in Women's Health, Regenerative Medicine and Life Science Tools
Looking For Therapeutic Assets in Cardiovascular, Metabolic Diseases, Oncology & Fibrosis
Seeks Early Stage Deals in the US, Canada and Mexico
In This Issue
Nature BioEntrepreneur Features LSN: Aligning Needs
LSN Videos
RESI Landing on MaRS

RESI on MaRS Investors Panel

By Lucy Parkinson, Director of Research, LSN

It's well known that big pharma firms are often looking to partner early.  Many major medical device companies are also looking outward for innovation, and at RESI Boston, five experienced corporate investors will explain how they use early stage device investments to strategic effect.  This panel will cover how medical device entrepreneurs should approach a larger company for an investment or development partnership, and what kinds of investment these major players are currently focused on.

These five panelists will be sharing their expertise with RESI's audience:
  • Steven Weinstein, Managing Director, Novartis Venture Fund
  • Bethany Grant, Director R&D, Surgical Innovation, Ethicon
  • Ned Imbrie, Vice President, Strategy & Business Development, Siemens Venture Capital
  • Dave Neustaedter, Vice President, Venture Capital, Medtronic
  • Rich Wilmot, Head of Corporate Venturing, Philips Healthcare
By Christine A. Wu, Senior Research Analyst, LSN

On June 23rd, LSN gathered a panel of Early Stage Medtech Investors for RESI on MaRS in Toronto. Among a number of topics, panelists engaged in a stimulating conversation addressing common investment and geographical trends in the medtech space; the balance of management team and science in a company; and their final advice to entrepreneurs out there.

Moderated by Gordon Cheung, Partner & Chief Medical Officer of Epic Capital Management, panelists include:
  • Charles Bridges, VP, Medical Devices, Cardiovascular Therapeutic Area Expert, Johnson & Johnson
  • David Huizenga, Co-founder, President & CEO, TAO Life Sciences
  • Garheng Kong, Managing Partner, HealthQuest Capital
  • Lisa Boreanaz, Senior Policy Analyst, Ontario's Office of the Chief Health Innovation Strategist (OCHIS)
Value Creation and Optimization is the New Investment Model

"The days to buy into a device just because they were sexy are largely over," Charles Bridges (J&J) declared...

By Nono Hu, Director of Marketing, LSN

Last week, we provided an overview of the infrastructure required to execute an outbound campaign. This week, we take a deeper look at how to build your target list of investors.

Chapter 9: "Global Target List - Match Your Firm with Investors That Are a Fit" explains the importance of finding alignment between your life science company and an investor's interests. Here we outline how to use information on past financing rounds to uncover potential investors, and how to screen these leads to find active investors that may be interested in your company's technology. Finally, we'll anatomize an investment mandate, and examine the factors that determine fit, including your location, the type of product you're developing, and the stage of development your asset has reached...