Life Science Nation Newsletter  | July 6,  2017  |  Issue 221

  The LSN Story   |   Investor Platform   |   Company Platform   |   RESI Conference   |   Fundraising Consulting
Life Science Investor Mandates (June 28  - July 5)
Creates $100 Million Evergreen Healthcare Fund For Clinical Stage Opportunities
Invests in First in Class Drug Opportunities
Looks Across North America For Medtech, Diagnostics and Healthcare IT
Seeks Assets in Oncology, Neurology, Cardio, Respiratory and Infectious Diseases
In This Issue
Nature BioEntrepreneur Features LSN: Aligning Needs
LSN Services
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Free Copy of LSN's Book

LSN Videos
By Lucy Parkinson, Director of Research, LSN

On September 26th, RESI will come home to Boston. In our year on the road, LSN has expanded our reach into new areas, and it's time to lead the RESI Tribe back home - including many new investors and exciting emerging technology companies that we've met on our travels.

LSN would now like to announce the agenda for RESI Boston. The event will include 24 investor panels and entrepreneur workshops, including new panel content from our sponsors at the NIH, and a new session dedicated to Payers & Providers who invest in early stage technologies. RESI Boston will also feature an Asia-North America healthcare investment track. Check out the full content below. If you want to take part, don't miss out on your opportunity to catch the early bird price by registering now.

By Natasha Eldridge, RESI Conference Manager, LSN

Life Science Nation is announcing "Premier Partnering Plus" as a new service to augment the RESI Conference series. Premier Partnering Plus provides deep insight into the investors and strategic partners that regularly attend RESI conferences in search of assets to partner with and invest in. LSN, the creator of RESI, sells a world class investor and strategic partner database to scientist-entrepreneurs and fundraising CEOs, and now RESI attendees can get partial access to that data and review the deep profiles that come with this one-of-a-kind database as part of the RESI partnering experience. This will make for better alignment for both sides of the meeting table as the sell side attendees will now have detailed investment and deal mandate information to help dial in who they need to meet with based on fit. This will include specifics on the sectors, subsectors, and indication interest, company and management team requirements, typical allocation size and the contact information and best way to reach out to an investor. Premier Partnering Plus users will not be just limited to the RESI Partnering message system to reach out to investors - now they will have the capability to reach out through the partnering system or with the direct contact info provided with the Premier Partnering Plus profile...

Recent FDA Approval Is a Positive Signal for Personalized Medicine
By Michael Quigley, VP of Investor Research, LSN

Due to a recent FDA decision, immuno-oncology has proven to be a key area for personalized medicine approaches.  In this article, Next Phase will explore what this could mean for new technology development.

Many currently marketed cancer immunotherapies struggle due to high toxicity and response patterns that differ when compared to traditional therapies. Both in a research and clinical setting, identifying those patients most likely to respond to these and other new therapeutic approaches represents a massive opportunity for pharma companies.  This has given rise to increasing interest and investment in the field of companion diagnostics...