APRIL 12-13
When Temple Shalom was founded, our services were based on the “classical” Union Prayer Book.

On Friday, April 12 at 7:30 pm, the Union Prayer Book (1940-1975) will once again be used at the Sabbath Evening Service. Jack Lowe and Cantor Ze'evi Tovlev, accompanied by Kathy Herman, will lead the 26th almost-annual look back at Reform Jewish History.

If you are over 60, here is a chance to revisit the Classical Reform service you grew up with. Is this how you remember it? Please bring you own prayer book if you still have it. For all under 60, or who didn’t grow up in Reform, come enjoy this window into the past. See how this prayer book defines a style of service much different from what we have now. The music will be from the 19th and early 20th centuries—many we still use.

Click Here for the Stream.
On Saturday, April 13, at 10:00 am, the Shabbat Morning Worship Service in the Chapel also will use the Union Prayer Book before Torah Study.