Year 3, Issue 13 — March 12, 2024

founded by Minnesota Women's Press, a media pioneer since 1985

CALL Connections

Media That Makes a Difference

Changemakers Alliance is a supporter-driven spinoff of Minnesota Women's Press, designed to connect engaged feminists who care about solutions and action, and to take stories off the page into conversations.

Diversity in Politics

stories underwritten by Vote Run Lead and Women Winning

Minnesota Women Step Into U.S. Congressional Campaigns

Four women running for U.S. Congressional seats — two trying to unseat anti-choice incumbent men in Greater Minnesota districts — spoke at a Women Winning event last week.

Rachel Bohman of Rochester could be the first woman in District 1 to represent Minnesota. Angie Craig in District 2 again faces strong competition from out-state Republicans who wanted her out of the House. Kelly Morrison is running in District 3 for the seat vacated by Dean Phillips.

Jen Schultz of Duluth (photo above) is aiming to unseat Pete Stauber, who gave early endorsement to Trump for the 2024 Presidential campaign, and signed on to the lawsuit attempting to overturn the 2020 electio

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Public Safety

stories underwritten by Badass members

NEW Part 2: Talking About Public Safety With Saint Paul Mayor Melvin Carter

"Any public safety political conversation is either a conversation about police, about prisons, or about prosecutors. What they have in common is they're about what happens after something terrible happens. ... Public safety isn't the police department's job and it isn't the fire department's job."

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Update 3-12: Debate About Gun Safety

The House Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee heard testimony about a bill that would give local governments the opportunity to restrict weapons on public lands and in public buildings. Said bill author Rep. Samakab Hussein (D-65A), "While extremist Republicans are worried about banning books in libraries, we are banning guns. And at public recreation centers, our youth deserve the dignified right to engage in sports with their peers and friends, not be harassed and harmed by gun violence.”

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How Youth Violence Happens: A Conversation With Shea Holt

"It did really come down to that: 'Nobody cares about what I feel. I don’t even know what I’m feeling, other than I feel frustrated and angry and I don’t even know why.'"

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Who Decides Whether Restorative Justice Is Allowed to Become More Effective Than Incarceration?

"What we do in this country is incarcerate, and we haven’t really [done much of] anything other than incarcerate." — Hennepin County Commissioner Angela Conley

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ECOLUTION: Evolution of Stronger Economies & Ecosystems

series underwritten by Seward Co-op

A Conversation With Lina "Mama Tshutshu" Nyaronge

Farming Resilience

The membership of the Farmers Union is as diverse as our farmers across the state; the products produced on Minnesota farms range from apples to yak. Minnesota farmers are national leaders in producing sugar beets, green peas, soybeans, hogs, and turkeys. 

March issue:

On the Surface

Bulletin Board Supported by Badass Members

Minnesota Women's Press is seeking a freelance arts editor, ideally from Greater Minnesota, to help us decide on month-to-month coverage. Send a link to portfolio, and a description of passions and location, to

Volunteers need for Peace House Community

Diversity Literature Focus Group

Raedial is looking for individuals to participate in a March 30 focus group to help review a new database that will launch in July 2024 "to enhance the discoverability of characters with diverse and intersectional experiences." They are particularly looking for 20-30 individuals who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, religious minorities, neurodivergent, disabled, and/or come from families that are traditionally underrepresented in literature. Details

April 13 Event Highlight


  • Collective Health for 2024: about mental health, housing, collaborative solutions, including thoughts from Dr. Catherine Squires

  • 1st Annual Badass Awards, chosen by Badass members

Event Sponsors to date

Minneapolis Foundation

Valvoline: Northern Minnesota

Vote Run Lead

Women Winning

Gift Basket Donors to date

Larissa Loden (jeweler)

Mixed Blood Theater

Fantasy Gifts

New World Women

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this video was part of our award-winning social media campaign

Minnesota Women's Press was recognized by the Minnesota Newspaper Association for six 2023 awards in photography (including first place for the River Stories cover below), social media campaign, Best Magazine article, and Community Service Leadership for our gender-based violence coverage.

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