Presiding Bishop issues response to DACA ruling
"I was a stranger and you welcomed me" (Matthew 25:35).
Dear church,
Jesus taught us that when we welcome the stranger as a person made in God's image, we also welcome God. Our lives, ministries and congregations have been blessed by many immigrants and refugees over the years — from many of our ancestors to those we welcome among us today. Our faithful witness as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is enriched by people who are recipients of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)...
Celebration of Life for Rev. Craig Breimhorst
August 14 at 2 PM

Last year we shared the news that Rev. Craig Breimhorst died of COVID-19 related complications on April 16, 2020. (Click to view the synod announcement and his obituary.)

Now we can share that a celebration of his life and ministry is planned for Saturday, August 14.

Clergy are invited to vest and process in with their families. The color of the day is green.
Councils + Leaders in Conversation:
Holistic Giving: What Piece of the Pie is Your Congregation Missing?
August 23 at 7:00 PM on Zoom

Your congregation works hard to encourage generous giving to support the church’s operating budget. But did you know that your church may be overlooking a key component that other nonprofits have been asking for years? It is asset-based giving – most commonly referred to as legacy or planned gifts. 

Join Tharan Leopold, the ELCA Foundation Charitable Gift Planner serving the Southeastern Minnesota Synod, as he leads us in conversation on how congregations can apply a more holistic model to their fundraising approach. He’ll explain his role and how he can assist your congregation to develop philanthropic clarity and cultivate legacy gifts in support of your mission and ministry.

All Council Presidents and Treasurers, Pastors, and other congregational leaders are invited. *An email was sent on 7/28 to all Council Presidents and Treasurers and Pastors. If you fall into this category and did not receive an email, please check your spam folder then reply to this email.
Prayer Calendar: August 1
  • First Lutheran Church, Blooming Prairie
  • Solor Lutheran Church, Webster
  • Redeemer Lutheran Church, Alden
  • Ngimu Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Igengu Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • CELCO (Colégio de la Evangélica Luterana de Colombia) Paz de Ariporo