Bright Spot: World Cafe
World Cafe is a model for having meaningful small group conversations on important topics. The synod's Community Accompaniment Table teamed up with the 2021 Good Earth Village (GEV) fellows to host a World Cafe via Zoom in late July. The photo highlights the fellows (from GEV's Summer Fellowship Program) and the synod's table members during the facilitator training that took place in advance of the event. During the World Cafe, people from around the synod came together for an evening of sharing, listening and reflection focused on racism and justice. The GEV fellows served as insightful, engaging small group facilitators, and their leadership was a gift! A special thanks to all who participated in the World Cafe!
Food Ministry Grant Recipients Announced
The following eight congregations were selected to receive the COVID-19 Food Ministry Grants:

Grace, Mankato (Minnesota River Conference)
Anyuak Faith Community, Austin (Zumbro River Conference)
Trinity, Spring Grove (Root River Conference)
St. John’s, Kasson (Zumbro River Conference)
Trinity, Hayfield (Zumbro River Conference)
Trinity Fellowship, Rushford (Root River Conference)
Faribault area churches (Cannon River Conference)
Grace, Albert Lea (Blue Earth River Conference)

Thank you to all who applied! The funds for these grants were made available through the synod's Domestic Disaster Relief Fund and our partners at Churchwide who awarded the synod dollars to be used for this purpose. We are eager to share the stories of how these grant dollars make a difference in our communities!
Continuing Education Opportunities...
Spiritual direction is a centuries-old Christian tradition of listening to how God is moving toward healing and wholeness in people’s lives. The Spiritual Direction Certification Program at Lutheran Theological Southern Seminary of Lenoir-Rhyne University continues to flourish and growThe sixth year of participants will begin in January 2022. Each new cycle has 16 participants and two mentors to support them. So far, participants represent nine different denominations and 17 different states.
“It’s not easy to be the church these days”. This is a common sentiment in mainline Christian denominations, and the ELCA is no exception. In response to this truth and the desire to raise up courageous, resilient, and faithful leaders, the Rocky Mountain Synod has created a leadership initiative called Excellence in Leadership. It is a two-year investment, with classes meeting 1-2 times per month, that will provide tools and resources to last a lifetime.

By engaging deeply in the studies of adaptive leadership, vulnerability, emotional intelligence, family systems, TheoryU, and spiritual practices, we will be stepping forward to meet the future boldly. Participants are welcome from all regions and walks of life – lay or rostered, young or old. That includes you! Learn more.

Note: The registration and Payment Deadline is August 22, 2021.
Additional Information...
In last week's RCWeekly, we shared the announcement of Rev. Craig Breimhorst's celebration of life on Aug. 14th. It has since come to our attention that masks will be required to be worn by all individuals who attend.
Prayer Calendar: August 15
  • Fountain Lutheran Church, Fountain
  • Calvary Lutheran Church, Mankato
  • Trinity Lutheran Church, West Concord
  • Mruma Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Dominiki Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Jokow Wareda Lutheran Parish, South Sudan