Registration is now open!
Price increases on April 21.
Councils As Leaders:
The Spirit of Connection
Sunday, March 20 from 1-4 PM
Location: Trinity Lutheran Church (Owatonna) & online

Register by March 7 at

Please register today for Councils as Leaders 2022, and let your church council know about this gathering! It is a free in-person and digital event for council members, lay leaders, and rostered ministers. A variety of workshop options will highlight strategies for connecting with God, congregation, and community.
Congregation and Leader Reports Reminder
Has your congregation turned in your Council Leaders Update and Mission Support Intent Form yet?

If you are a rostered leader, have you filled out your report to Bishop Hassanally yet?

All of the above is due to the synod office by February 15! Please check on your staff and leadership to ensure this happens. It helps the office of the bishop to keep our systems up-to-date and to provide the best support for your ministry possible.
Important Dates...
  • March 20, 2022: Councils as Leaders online and in-person event
  • May 72022 Synod Assembly (Mankato, MN)
  • July 24-28: ELCA Youth Gathering (Minneapolis, MN)
  • August 8-12: ELCA Churchwide Assembly (Ohio)
Prayer Calendar: February 6
  • Trondhjem Lutheran Church, Lonsdale
  • Vasa Lutheran Church, Welch
  • Bear Creek Lutheran Church, Grand Meadow
  • Ruruma Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Mazoezi Kikio Lutheran Church, Tanzania
  • Iglesia San Lucas Lutheran Church, Colombia