April 9, 2024

First quarter contribution statements will be sent via email this week. If we do not have your email, a paper copy will be mailed. Please review yours for accuracy, and email Nancy or call the church office with any questions.

Our 2024 First Quarter Business Meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 24th at 6 pm. Dinner will start at 5:15pm and will be provided at no cost. However, we ask that you RSVP here if you plan to eat. We hope to see everyone there!

Sign up to be a part of our Evangelism Training event on April 28th here! Lunch will be provided at no cost, but registration is required. We hope you will join us!

Be sure to mark your calendar for the 2024 RBC Churchwide Retreat on August 2nd-3rd at the Alabama 4-H Center! The 2024 retreat sign-up form is now available here. We are excited to announce Kristin Padilla as this year's retreat speaker.

Cost: $75/Adult, $15/Child, Children 2 yrs and younger attend free

Deposit of $35/Adult due on April 15th if you plan to attend this year's churchwide retreat!

Please email Noelle with any questions you may have!

Join us for our second annual summer kickoff at the Birmingham Barons game on Sunday, June 2nd @ 4PM! Register here if you plan to attend. All ages are invited!

Wednesday Night Schedule

5:15 PM- Dinner

6:00 PM- Adult Bible study and children's/youth activities

7:00 PM- Adult Choir Rehearsal

***The April Wednesday Night Dinner signup is now available here***

Please make your dinner reservations here as soon as possible if you plan to eat on Wednesday nights during the month of MarchAfter signing up for the meals you will attend, we ask that, if at all possible, you pay for your meals on the Sign-Up Genius website. Simply leave the quantity as "1" and input the total cost for the month in the "cost" box. This is a secure site, much like Realm. However, if paying online is not an option for you, please submit a cash or check payment to the church office at your convenience as money will no longer be taken in the fellowship hall on Wednesday nights.

Feel free to email Noelle with any questions or concerns you may have regarding Wednesday night meal sign-ups/payments.

We will continue to collect our Easter offering for North American missions through the month of April. This year our goal is to reach $15,000. Please prayerfully consider contributing to help support those on mission across the continent.

Click here to give online and please be sure to designate your offering either to the SBC or CBF if you have a preference. All undesignated contributions will be split equally.

If you would like to support our congregation and ministerial staff by engaging in supportive prayer during Sunday morning worship, sign up for a time slot here.

Registration for VBS 2024 is now OPEN!!!! This year's theme is the best yet so you don't want your children to miss out! We are accepting children who are potty trained-those who will have completed 5th grade. If you are a volunteer there will be childcare for those not yet potty trained.

You can register by scanning the QR code above or clicking HERE

Click here to view the most recent RBC Kids Newsletter!

Click here to view the most recent RBC Students Newsletter!

Please email Noelle if you would like to regularly receive the RBC Prime Timers newsletter.

Visit the RBC website to learn more about the 2024 Bible reading plan.

"God, give me the conviction and courage to be like the heroes of Hebrews 11. Teach me not to hold onto those things in my church that are my personal preferences and style. Show me not only how to let go, but where to let go, so that I may heed Your commands more closely."

1. Hebrews 4: 15-16 NASB “For since we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” Father God, we can approach Your throne with confidence knowing that Your great love for us and Your provision for our sins assures us of Your grace and mercy. How needy we are, but Your promises give us hope, mercy and blessing. Teach us how to appropriate such blessings so that You receive all honor and glory. Help us to share this Good News with those around us. 

2.  Hebrews 7: 25 NASB “Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Father, we are blessed beyond measure because not only has Christ Jesus paid the debt for our sins, but He makes intercession to You Father on our behalf. It is hard for us to comprehend Jesus living to make intercession for us. We realize our prayers of intercession for others are not with the same knowledge or understanding as Jesus, but we desire to be intercessors for others.

Stewardship in Action

April Budget Needs: $53,618.00

April Budget Receipts (Thru 4/7): $12,240.00

Offering for North American Missions (Thru 4/7): $4,840

To give online to the general budget or special offerings click the link.

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