Quarterly news & updates

February 2024

Welcome to 2024! It is now officially the year of the Dragon. The Dragon is considered a symbol of strength, courage, and good fortune.

We are still facing geopolitical uncertainty around the globe but we are also seeing increased media spend due to the US presidential election and the Paris Summer Olympics. We also can look forward to Copa America, the South American soccer championships.

We normally only issue a quarterly Newsletter but there has been so many articles and insights coming out in our industry (as well as from RAUS Global) that we felt we had to release this Newsletter in mid February. Enjoy!

The year ahead for procurement

By Laura Forcetti, WFA

Marketing procurement has clear priorities for 2024. Laura Forcetti, Director of Global Marketing Sourcing Services, identifies seven areas where the magnifying glass is likely to focus.

We all need priorities to help us focus and marketing procurement is no exception. What’s important is that they keep evolving and the current goals for our Sourcing Forum members show both where they plan to focus now and how those priorities have evolved over the last five years.

Polling of 107 members from 64 of the world’s largest companies identifies this year’s top priorities as stakeholder engagement, defining savings, evolving perception of marketing procurement and client agency performance models.

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Navigating the Complex Landscape of Programmatic Advertising 

(ANA action items made simple)

by Christine Moore, Raus Global

Programmatic advertising has revolutionized how marketers reach their audiences, offering unprecedented scale and precision. However, as the ecosystem grows more complex, several issues have emerged, impacting campaign efficiency, transparency, and environmental sustainability. Identifying these challenges is the first step toward crafting effective solutions.

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Your copy should address 3 key questions: Who am I writing for (audience)? Why should they care (benefit)? What do I want them to do (call-to-action)?

Create a great offer by adding words like "free," "personalized," "complimentary," or "customized." A sense of urgency often helps readers take action, so consider inserting phrases like "for a limited time only" or "only 7 remaining!"

Sustainability is non-negotiable. It’s not a mere trend or buzzword; it’s a strategic imperative. Including sustainability in your Paid Media approach is akin to securing the foundation of a sturdy building. But why? Because today’s consumers demand it. They seek brands that align with their values, and sustainability is high on their list.

There’s a misconception that sustainability detracts from revenue. Some believe that every moment spent contemplating sustainability translates to lost opportunities. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, sustainable practices enhance long-term profitability. Let’s debunk the myth that revenue and sustainability are at odds

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Reinventing Agency Pitch Reviews: A Better Way Forward

by Christine Moore, RAUS Global

Pitch reviews, a common practice in the marketing and advertising world, bear an eerie resemblance to the US healthcare system — they are broken. As businesses seek new agency partners to elevate their marketing efforts, the current pitch process has become increasingly cumbersome, costly, and time-consuming. Hours upon hours of effort are invested by both agencies and clients, leading to an overwhelming surplus of data and complex decision-making. It is evident that a new approach is needed to revolutionize agency search and evaluation.

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Retail Media Networks

by Craig Stein, Senior Consultant, R3

The relationship between retailers and brands is an interdependent one: brands, particularly CPGs and other manufacturers of physical goods, provide products for retailers to place on their physical (and digital) shelves; and retailers, in turn, get these products into the hands of consumers. But the nature of this relationship is evolving and deepening with the advent of retail media networks (RMNs).

While not an entirely new phenomenon, (Amazon has been quietly working on its media business for more than a decade) RMNs have seemingly burst onto the scene in the last couple of years, grabbing headlines and ad dollars alike.

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Contractual audits explained - What’s discovered in a contractual audit of your marketing agency?

By Christine Moore, Managing Partner, RAUS Global

It’s vital that advertisers use all the tools available to them to validate corporate governance across all their partners, suppliers, and vendors in the marketing supply chain. It’s also well-established best practice that, to validate overall risk management of a company, large ticket items are prioritized. Media and marketing often account for between 10% and 15% of a company’s total expenditure. This is why it’s so important for brands both to institute an annual program for media price/quality benchmarking and to assess the extent to which key partners in the marketing space are complying with their contractual obligations.

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Never heard of Adfidence? You might soon if you have brand safety concerns

By Michael Bürgi, Digiday

In many industries, but especially in the advertising and marketing industry, it is very difficult to find agency partners that “fit the bill”, both from a capabilities standpoint and from a diversity standpoint.

It all starts with being more aware of where to look, how to engage and what work diverse agencies are capable of. The conversation with Chris Kenna led me to learn about “Certifiably Diverse” a fully flexible system accessible through APIs or web-based interfaces. In today’s increasingly customer socially conscious markets, businesses, especially Fortune 500, are constantly seeking to better identify and foster meaningful and impactful supplier diversity.

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Black-Owned Ad Tech Company Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Machine Learning Powered Media Buying Platform

By Jasmine Crowley, Essence Newsletter

A Black-owned media and ad tech company is aiming to drive the advertising industry into the future. 

AdTheorent, a machine-learning solutions provider, and tech company Hero Media have joined forces to launch the first ML-Powered Black-owned DSP in programmatic advertising, Hero One. It aims to use cutting-edge technology to turbocharge audience creation and media-buying. 

The move is critical, as many companies still grapple with reaching target audiences while not falling into the trap of making minority consumers feel unseen by advertisements. 

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Quick links to insights

6 Top Takeaways From CES 2024

Pitch frenzy eases but brands are still reviewing agency rosters

Measuring the ‘Halo’ ad effect: why it’s CMM's time to shine in a post-cookie world

What’s hot and what’s not in 2024: The essential trend report for savvy marketers

9 Measurement Questions Every Marketer Should Ask Retail Media Partners

Marketing’s new ways to deliver value

ANA: Al Use Case

Compendium for


By ANA Research

The ANA AI Use Case Compendium for Marketing is designed to help, today, tomorrow, and for many months to come. It includes over 80 use cases with examples of each in action and is a "Living Document" that will continue to grow throughout the year.

#MarketingIsATeamSport and we sincerely hope that you will find this useful as you develop your #AI strategies and that you will consider joining our passionate community by submitting your additional use cases and examples of #AIinAction so that we all can learn and grow from each other's experiences during these incredibly exciting times.

To download #TheCompendium and to submit your additions, visit www.ANA.net/AI where we have a growing portfolio of practical resources, and lots more coming soon.

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Upcoming Events

See what's happening in 2024

ANA Media Conference

March 18-20, Orlando, FL

ANA Advertising Financial Management Conference

May 5 - 8, Orlando FL

Procurecon Marketing EU

June 4-5, London, UK

Festival of Media/ CannesLions

June 17-22, Cannes France

Procurement Foundry Marketing

July 8-9, Boston, MA

Procurecon Marketing NA

November 18-20, Los Angeles,CA

For more information
Please reach out with feedback, comments etc.

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You can also find news and articles as well as our quarterly newsletter.
Transparency. Delivered.