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Employees Don't Want to Take PTO

They're 'Quiet Vacationing' Instead

Quiet vacationing is one of the hottest trends among hybrid and remote employees - and one in eight workers plan on doing it this summer, according to a new

survey from Resume Builder.  

The term, similar to hush trips, means taking

vacation days without informing one's

employer. But employees aren't necessarily taking quiet vacation days because they are out of paid time off. In fact, nearly 50 percent of employees say they do not use all their PTO, according to a 2023 Pew Research report

According to the Resume Builder survey, many workers are too anxious to ask for official time off:

Around 30 percent of survey participants indicated they think using their PTO makes them look less hard-working, and about 40 percent thought it might impact their job security.

Company culture may be feeding into this perception, says Tiffany Slater, founder of St. Louis-based virtual HR services company HR TailorMade. "We will have a vacation and our PTO policy, but because there's so much work that needs to get done, it's almost like you feel guilty taking off," Slater says. 

The tone at the top also matters, Slater adds: "Leaders rarely take

vacation. They work very long hours. So they're not demonstrating to their team members that taking time off is actually of value." According to the Pew Research report, 54 percent of managers take less time off than what is available to them. 

"When companies extend PTO benefits without addressing these underlying anxieties, it not only fails to motivate but can also erode retention of their most valued employees," Resume Builder's chief career adviser, Stacie Haller, said in a press release.  

Still, quiet vacationing rates remain relatively low overall. Only 10 percent of U.S. workers engaged in quiet vacationing in the past year, and the majority of them took three days or less, according to the Resume Builder survey.

Setting basic expectations around what needs to get done, and the importance of time off, might leave both employees and their bosses better off, says Slater: "You really want people to take time off to enjoy their life."

Information provided by: Inc.

Alternative HR Welcomes Keegan Strobeck!

Alternative HR is pleased to welcome Keegan Strobeck, Finance & Operations Specialist, to their team!

Keegan possesses several years of comprehensive experience in accounting and management, having contributed significantly to medium-sized companies in the auto and retail industries. Prior to joining Alternative HR, Keegan served as a payroll specialist at Fugate Ford in Washington State. 

Keegan’s background is diverse, encompassing expertise in payroll and benefit administration, data entry, customer service, accounts receivable and accounts payable. Keegan brings a robust skill set and extensive experience to her role, demonstrating proficiency in adaptability, problem-solving, and communication skills, which have been pivotal to her professional achievements. She remains dedicated to continuous growth and development, consistently

seeking new challenges to further enhance her capabilities.

Keegan holds an Associate’s degree in Behavioral and Social Sciences from Pierce College and is currently pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting and Business at Western Governor’s University.

Keegan can be reached at kstrobeck@alternativehr.com.

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