.. because meditation is a life skill that everyone can learn .. 
January 2016 ~ On Retreat
Welcome 2016!

A New Year. A new start. A fresh page.

I have always loved the start of a New Year .. juicy with potential.

I have been a little quiet online over the past month.  Family visiting and Christmas .. and super hot days here in Melbourne.  But much more because I was in a cocoon finishing off the final stages of the McLean Meditation Teacher Certification.

I started this training early 2015 .. and it has been transformational on so many levels.

I have been meditating for more than 20+ years .. since I was a teenager .. but the opportunity to embrace Beginners Mind and dive into a world of new books (ten books on the curriculum plus additional reading, audio and video requirements), current research (tons and tons of it - learning from original scientific research papers to published articles in journals), regular hook-ups with others on the path across the globe (from Vancouver to Ireland), committing to new meditation techniques each month (from mantra to self-inquiry to mindfulness), reflecting and writing in my Meditation Journal (finally submitting a book size journal on the 31 Dec) and maintaining this path of Sādhanā with gentleness and kindness, and a  twice daily meditation practice.

I am now about to travel to the USA to attend the final stage, an 8-day intensive retreat .. followed by a 3-day Meditation Symposium.

I am blessed.

If you are interested in how I have been planning and preparing for this retreat .. I have written four posts (see below) to try and share my pre-retreat thought processes.

Have you attended a retreat?  

It is always a life changing experience to step away from our regular life and commit to a period of intense study and reflection.  I shall be away from my website and blog now - until early February.  While this retreat is not a silent one, there will be moments of Noble Silence and retreating from technology one part of the adventure.   I have no doubt that I will have a bounty of insights and things to share on my return.

So Bon Voyage .. wishing you well on your own journey and adventures .. and I shall leave you with this quote from Deepak Chopra, which I love:

"My body travels. I never leave home."


Quiet Mind Meditation
Off on Retreat

Planning on attending a retreat?  I have attended meditation and yoga retreats in the past, and hope one day to attend a writing retreat .. a retreats gives us a unique opportunity to step away from our 'normal' life and immerse ourselves in our area of interest.  I am heading off to a meditation intensive this month .. and I thought it would be fun to share the planning and prepare a Retreat Checklist (this will be available as a free PDF mini-e-book when our new website launches).  If you have any further suggestions .. please let me know as it would be wonderful to have a 'difinitive guide'.  Blog posts included:

And once I return .. I will include a few posts on the adventure.  Stay tuned. 
Exploring Meditation - 2016 Course Dates
This six week course is now six years old!  And  there are now hundreds of individuals who have started a personal meditation practice and learnt how to self manage their stress.  More details on the course HERE

Meeting once a week we explore a   range of different meditation techniques so that you have an opportunity to find the best practice for YOU!  

Summer Course: 16 Feb-22 Mar BOOKINGS
Autumn Course: 26 Apr-31 May BOOKINGS
Winter Course: 2 Aug - 13 Sep (no class 9 Sep)  BOOKINGS
Spring Course: 4 Oct - 15 Nov (no class 1 Nov) BOOKINGS

*Classes in Brighton (Victoria) with further venues and dates to be released in February.
Monday Meditation Musings
On the blog ..

Monday Meditation Musings our free Monday newsletter that shares a meditation practice to take into your week .. bringing mindfulness to daily life (sign up by clicking the image opposite) : so far this month:

Bee Breath - a yoga pranayama practice to cool you
Salt Crystal Lamps - beautiful and healthy addition for home

Our next Monday Meditation Musing - going out 6am on Monday 25th January introduces the modern mantra 'It Can Wait'

Welcome 2016  what a magical start to the year .. dreams really do come true.

Meditation to East Stress a TEDEd video on How Chronic Stress Affects Your Brain and an article from The Financial Review ' Five Ways Meditation Gives Leaders An Edge'
2016 Post Graduate Yoga Teacher Training

The 2 016 Ihana Yoga's Post Graduate Yoga Teacher Training  program is now open for registration.

If you are a yoga teacher seeking to further your studies and be mentored by the passionate and professional team at Ihana Yoga - and learn more about meditation and how to share meditation with your tribe (I shall be teaching four modules of the Post Grad) - then join us HERE
Learn to Meditate

Corporate Meditation
Meditation Coaching
 Private Coaching
Helpful Free Resources

Monday Meditation Musings
 Monday Meditation Musings
  Lunchtime Enlightenment
Just Start Meditating
 Just Start Series
Quiet Mind Meditation | info@quietmind.com.au | www.quietmind.com.au