.. because meditation is a life skill that everyone can learn .. 
March 2016 ~ Finding Flow
Autumn in Australia .. but we are also experiencing ongoing heatwaves.  It feels like Summer yet the trees are starting to change colour and drop their leaves.

Mid-Season.  Transition.  

Since returning from retreat .. I too have been slowly transitioning back into the familiar pattern of home life.  I have also been appreciating the gorgeous weather and finding a renewed sense of excitement and curiosity for the simple things in life.  I have even joined the gym and found myself saying YES to lots of new experiences.  

A couple of days ago two invitations arrived and I said YES to both immediately.  I am not sure what took over!  

And so last night I found myself laying down on the cool bamboo floors at Ihana Yoga attending a wonderful Soundshower with Avishai Barnatan .. releasing, settling and opening up to a shower of chimes, Tibetan bowls, flutes and vocal harmonics. A Soundshower 're-aligns and harmonizes body/mind' .. truly memorable and relaxing!

Avishai mentioned at the end that the vibrational quality of a Soundshower can reverberate and 'do it's good' for hours, days or even weeks later.  I floated home and had the best nights sleep .. and today as I sit here, if I close my eyes and focus inward .. I can literally feel and hear the vibration moving through my body.  A very profound experience.

I also purchased tickets to see the amazing  Sacred Earth in a concert at the beautiful Abbotsford Convent next month.  I stumbled upon these amazing amazing 'mantra artists' about ten years ago while holidaying in the beautiful hinterland of the Sunshine Coast.  I was wandering through the colourful Maleny market and I heard this angelic voice and divine music .. and I have been listening and following their journey ever since.

My recent trips to Bali and then America have taught me (yet again) that travel and embracing new ideas and activities .. is where the magic truly does happen.

What are you doing to step outside your comfort zone?

Now .. Can I Ask?  What do you need?

I have so many amazing dreams to share meditation with YOU and the world.  

BUT .. what is most important is that I give you what YOU need to learn and nourish and support and motivate your meditation.

I need your help.

I need your feedback.  

I have a 3-question survey link below that will help me hear what you most need .. what tools, resources or guidance can I GIVE YOU?  Just 3 questions ...

To thank you for your time and feedback with the Survey .. I am going to pick one random entry on the 31st March and send that person a whole exciting bundle of meditation support .. there will be a copy of my Find The Stillness guided meditation cd, a 'Meditating' doorsign, one of my NEW Meditation Intention Bracelets .. and some extra special surprises wrapped up in there as well!

Let us all take a deep inhalation and invite fresh new energy into our lives this season.

May you be happy, peaceful and at ease.

Quiet Mind Meditation
How To Communicate Like A Buddhist by Cynthia Kane
Focus On Interview with Cynthia Kane

I met Cynthia while at the Sedona meditation retreat .. and after hearing that she had recently written a book AND had contributed to the likes of Huff Post and Elephant Journal (and more) ..  I knew that I had to interview her about her meditation practice and her new book  How To Communicate Like A Buddhist

Cynthia Kane is an author and book editor, who coaches authors for publication, and a literary agent . She is also a certified meditation and mindfulness instructor.

"I used to be a horrible communicator. I rarely said what I meant and was very passive aggressive. Most of my interactions looked like me blaming everyone else for what wasn't going good in my life and feeling like no matter what I said or did I wasn't enough. My days ended with me feeling exhausted and most all of the time completely misunderstood. 

While I wanted to be open with others and express myself clearly, or be able to share in others happiness I was doing the opposite. I was stuck in a way of communicating that kept me rooted in separateness, feeling isolated, fearful, and insecure. 

And then, unexpectedly, my first love passed away. It was at this time I realized that my life and my enjoyment were 100% my responsibility. If I wanted to come home at the end of the day and feel alive, joyful, and excited about life then I needed to find another way to communicate with it. 

Communication is essential to being human, and when you become better at it, your personal truth becomes clearer, your relationships improve, and the result is that you experience more peace and harmony in your life. 

My new book, How To Communicate Like A Buddhist, came directly out of this quest to find a new way to communicate with myself, others, and in turn the world". 

Reading Room with Quiet Mind Meditation
The Reading Room

I found a pile of unread books in my office last weekend .. and eleven (11) new books that I have purchased just last month.  So I thought ..  No time like the present. 

Aand knowing that I will need some accountability to read and share these wonderful books .. I have launched the Reading Room. 

I am going to start with one book per month.  You can follow on the website www.quietmind.com.au

April 2016 Book is  10 Mindful Minutes by Goldie Hawn
by Quiet Mind Meditation
Attending A Meditation Retreat .. (downloadable PDF)

A retreat is a rare and magical opportunity to pause and be still, to rest and heal, to reflect and ignite our spirit.

I have just returned from an eight day meditation intensive retreat .. and before heading off I had been sharing my planning and preparation.  These website posts are now in a much prettier 23-page 'Attending A Meditation Retreat' ebook.

I share this guide with you .. as a resource to help you if you are also planning to attend a retreat.

On the blog ..

Re-Entry Into Normal Life: The final in my Going On Retreat series of posts.  After being away for two weeks in total, and spending eight days on a meditation retreat, there are challenges in returning home.  Going from slow and mindful .. to noise, demands and daily life worries - can be startling and uncomfortable.  Tips for Re-Entry.

Exploring Meditation 6-week Course  We have just started our next Exploring Meditation course .. in fact this week is Week 3 of the six weeks together.  Next course starts 26th April .. do you want to learn how to meditate or re-connect with your practice?.

Reading Room a new series on the blog.  I am going to select a book each month and then post a weekly review on what I am learning. After recently cleaning out my office and meditation space, and having returned from a Meditation Conference in Arizona .. I found eleven books that I really do want to read and share.
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Monday Meditation Musings
 Monday Meditation Musings
  Lunchtime Enlightenment
Just Start Meditating
 Just Start Series
Quiet Mind Meditation | info@quietmind.com.au | www.quietmind.com.au